Detailed information is available at ... More information about the PKM South project is available at
Cooperation with the company will last at least until the end of 2025.
Cooperation with the company will last at least until the end of 2025. Photo: Paweł Sudara/MUG
In the academic year 2021/2022 over 1 600 new students will start their education at our University. ... Agnieszka Zimmermann – Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the MUG, entitled Does Health Need ... At the end of the ceremony the traditional student song Gaudeamus igitur was sung. ... In the academic year 2021/2022, 543 students were enrolled in Polish-language courses at the Faculty ... most beautiful adventure for you, medicine the greatest passion, and the best time of your life spent here
Nearly 150 new students from all over the world participated in this year’s Orientation Week at the ... of their studies as part of the Erasmus+ exchange program participated in a series of meetings aimed at ... familiarizing them with the specifics and conditions of studying at our University, providing assistance
Nearly 150 new students from all over the world participated in this year’s Orientation Week at the ... of their studies as part of the Erasmus+ exchange program participated in a series of meetings aimed at ... familiarizing them with the specifics and conditions of studying at our University, providing assistance ... Among the new students, there are those beginning their studies in English at the faculties of medicine ... Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, and Great Britain are starting their studies at
Spotkanie odbędzie się online, z wykorzystaniem platformy ClickMeeting.
Zajęcia odbywać się będą online (za pośrednictwem platformy ClickMeeting), w czwartki, piątki i soboty
Konferencja odbyła się w dniach 22–25 września 2021 r. w formie online.
Konferencja odbyła się w dniach 22–25 września 2021 r. w formie online.
Olgierd Narkiewicz Auditorium Primum, and 70 listeners attended online via the Zoom platform.
Olgierd Narkiewicz Auditorium Primum, and 70 listeners attended online via the Zoom platform.
The publication is available online.
On 22.09.2021 at 12:00-16:00 will be held a workshop of the Research Team 10 – Molecular and biochemical ... diseases, separated within the Priority Research Area No. 3 (Biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology) at ... stationary in the Auditorium Primum (AGN building – Atheneum Gedanense Novum) with the possibility of online
Publikacja w całości dostępna jest online. Konkurs na Nagrodę Naukową im.
Olgierda Narkiewicza (w budynku AGN – Atheneum Gedanense Novum) z możliwością uczestnictwa online za
Assembly of the Fahrenheit Universities after the summer holidays was held on 16 September this year at ... She highlighted the planned initiatives aiming at better brand recognition and presented the conceptual ... Zaleska-Medynska, Team Leader for the System of Collaborative Management of Research Infrastructure at ... actions in the area of the FarU’s international promotion and the planned initiatives concerning sport at ... The next session of the FarU Assembly will be held at the Medical University of Gdańsk in November this
Education at the Medical University of Gdańsk in the academic year 2021/2022 will be conducted in a
Education at the Medical University of Gdańsk in the academic year 2021/2022 will be conducted in a
Jarosław Jaguszewski, FESC is a cardiologist, academic teacher, professor of medical sciences employed at ... Originator and coordinator of the Young Scientist Program (Young Scientist) project implemented at the ... He has completed numerous internships abroad, including at the University Hospital of Zurich and the
Methods Here we characterize the role of EBI2 in myelination under normal and pathophysiological conditions
Pełny tekst publikacji dostępny jest online.
Pełny tekst publikacji dostępny jest online.
The award ceremony took place on 11th of September 2021 at the FNP premises.
Five bee families appeared in the hives of the Medicinal Plant Garden at the Department of Pharmacognosy ... However, it is not the first city apiary at the University. ... You can meet several species of birds here, two foxes or hedgehogs. ... In total, there are 10 hives at the Faculty of Pharmacy. ... Here, bees find flavors that cannot be found anywhere else in the Tri-City.