in the academic year 2021/2022 were awarded during the ceremony organized on 30th of November 2022 at ... This is another initiative, after the October Teaching Day at the MUG, appreciating people involved in ... The awarded academic teachers obtained results at the level of 99 and 100 percent, with the criterion ... of at least 10 completed questionnaires ... Centre, which is to provide organizational and methodological support for academic teachers working at
At a ceremony organized on 29th of November 2022, attended by: Rector Prof. ... Present were also the chairmen of the scientific disciplines councils at our University: Prof. ... At the end, Rector Prof.
w dniach 23-25 listopada 2022 r. w formule hybrydowej: stacjonarnie w Atheneum Gedanense Novum oraz online
They can also be reached at (58) 349 1787 and by email at
The new provisions for the amendments to the statute will be voted on via an online meeting in January
and Promotion Branch of the Main Library of the MUG and a member of the Open Science Team existing at ... The initiative for its establishment was born at the First European Conference of Medical Libraries, ... between European medical libraries and exchange experiences between their representatives, among others, at
Thanks to them, it is possible to disenchant at least a little hospital reality and make young patients ... Through Fun gives patients space for mutual integration, detachment from the hospital reality, and at ... When organizing meetings, we always try to look at our ideas from the perspective of children, what will ... – We meet at least once a month in a seminar room to show patients, who often spend long weeks
In Vilnius, he completed his medical studies and began working at the Surgical Clinic. ... Kieturakis appeared at our ceremony. ... Vilnius – noted Chairwoman Agnieszka Owczarczak. – It was their aspiration to build their lives anew here ... Hać, who is employed daily at the Department of General, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery at the Gdańsk ... Kieturakis while working at the hospital in the Lower Town.
anatomy and surgery under the guidance of our lecturers, and learned the stories behind the exhibits at ... They were also able to try their hand at ultrasound and practice on a laparoscopic trainer.
Area 3 and the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program in the in Vivo research centre at ... MUG, a webinar on preparing an application to the Local Ethics Committee will be held on 30 November at ... Paulina Mierzejewska, Ph.D. – coordinator of the research team from the Department of Biochemistry at ... centres, and Ryszard Milczarek, Ph.D. – veterinarian – Head of the Laboratory for In Vivo Research at
The awards were presented on October 26, 2022, at the 10th “Pro Juvenes” Student Environment Awards Gala
anatomy and surgery under the guidance of our lecturers, and learned the stories behind the exhibits at ... They were also able to try their hand at ultrasound and practice on a laparoscopic trainer.
obtaining the highest scores in the Citations and International Outlook indicators, as well as remaining at ... The full list is available at, and a broad commentary by Prof.
In short, saving water, electricity and heating at the MUG is beneficial not only for the University’
– I will carry out my project at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston – ... Fulbright Junior Research Award are scholarships for people preparing a doctoral dissertation at Polish ... The purpose of the scholarship is to carry out your own research project at an American university, non-profit
activity during medical studies, SKN Fair: Talk Science to me took place on the 15th of November 2022 at ... Piotr Spychalski (house of EBM) on the topic: “Is it important to be scientifically active at an early
More information on clinical trials conducted at the University is available on the website ... The award, presented for the first time, is aimed at recognizing people and institutions that have contributed ... Raciborska, head of the Department of Oncology and Oncological Surgery of Children and Adolescents at
The winners will continue their interdisciplinary research as part of their doctoral dissertation at ... The winners are entitled not only to a scholarship at PLN 6,500 net per month for the entire duration ... It was open to scholars who are preparing a doctoral dissertation at a foreign university, are the authors ... or joint authors of a scientific publication and wish to pursue their scientific interests at one of ... – The one-year stay of Ph.D. students at our universities will enable them to start cooperation
science to me’ organized by STN in collaboration with the International Relations Office on 15.11.2022 at ... Piotr Spychalski (house of EBM) on the topic: “Is it important to be scientifically active at an early
science to me’ organized by STN in collaboration with the International Relations Office on 15.11.2022 at ... Piotr Spychalski (house of EBM) on the topic: “Is it important to be scientifically active at an early
sciences, health sciences and pharmaceutical sciences received their diplomas on 8th of November 2022 at ... At the end, Rector Prof.
the THE FIRST MEETING ON THE PREVENTION OF PANCREATIC CANCER prophylaxis will be held on November 21 at ... Christian Pilarsky from the Department of Surgery at the University Hospital Erlangen in Germany will ... deliver a lecture entitled Pancreatic cancer: new opportunities in diagnosis and treatment at 10:00 ... will be presented at noon, where Prof. ... Online participation will also be possible.
Kto może aplikować: MIT wraz z polskim naukowiec aplikują razem, poprzez wspólny wniosek online
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From 1 pm to 3 pm on the 10th of November, we are hosting an African Day at the Welcome Point.