of Teams V and IX in PRA 3 – a cycle of meetings about intra and inter-collegiate cooperation”, held online ... The next meeting will take place on 14 January at 1 p.m., and information about the speakers and topics ... Molecular Biology, delineated as part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme at
With deep sadness we inform that at 20th December 2021 passed away Prof. ... Professor at the Department of Biochemistry, former Head of the Department of Medical Biotechnology. ... In 1988, he was awarded the title of associate professor, and in 1995 he became a full professor at the ... the Church of Our Lady of Czestochowa at Maria Curie-Skłodowska 3b St. in Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz. ... ., Gdańsk, with internment to the cemetery following at 2 p.m.
cykl spotkań o współpracach wewnątrz- i międzyuczelnianych”, które odbyło się 17 grudnia br. w formie online
cykl spotkań o współpracach wewnątrz- i międzyuczelnianych”, które odbyło się 17 grudnia br. w formie online
End of October and November is a time of presenting awards at the Medical University of Gdańsk. ... from the Division of Cardiology & Electrotherapy, Łukasz Michalewski, M.A., doctoral student at ... , Zofia Lasocka, M.D., this year MUG’s graduate, Łukasz Michalewski, M.A., doctoral student at ... the distinctions and, on the other hand, thank you because you receive them for your dedicated work at ... It all happens at our University thanks to the enormous commitment and effort of everyone.
the University of Gdańsk could register quickly and efficiently, and then get vaccinated in points at ... the university and at the UCC Centre of Invasive Medicine.
The agreement in this matter was concluded on 14 December at the Gdańsk Tech. ... Krzysztof Wilde and President of InvestGDA, Marek Ossowski – We have at our disposal the potential
Jest również dostępna online.
Jest również dostępna online.
complexity to drug discovery, but are of increasing importance to competent authorities and the society at ... stimulate students to integrate, connect, confront and reconcile multi-perspective ways of looking at ... After a preparative summer school in Ghent, all students will stay the first semester at the same institution
December the Department of Internationalization of MUG organised the Scandinavian Day, an event aimed at ... Maria Skibińska from the Institute of Scandinavian Studies at the University of Gdańsk and it was connected
Gruchała, Rector of the Medical University of Gdańsk announces Rector’s day on December 23rd, 2021 at
także quiz, w którym wzięli udział widzowie zasiadający w Sali Teatralnej UG oraz śledzący transmisję online
Serdecznie zapraszamy do zapoznania się z programem i udziału online!
He is currently professor of biochemistry and microbiology at the University of Victoria in Canada (since ... He was also a professor at the University of Meryland in Baltimore (2013-2020) and the University of ... Washington (2004-2012) and the first Director of Proteomics at the Institute for Systems Biology (2000 ... Goodlett is an Editor at Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, and since 2007 also co-organizer
monografii oraz Otwarte Dane Badawcze, w których wystąpiło łącznie 19 prelegentów, w tym trzy osoby online
Full rank list is available at the ABM website.
the Priority Research Area 3, selected in the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program at
The TOP 2% list includes also scholars composing the International Advisory Council operating at the ... Division of Oncology and Chairman of the Department of Medicine I and the Comprehensive Cancer Centre at ... Giuseppe Mancia – Professor Emeritus at the University Milano-Bicocca [after 20 years as Chairman of ... the Division and Department of Internal Medicine at the same University at the San Gerardo Hospital in ... the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London and Founder and Director of Research at
(czwartek) o godz. 17:00 w formie online z wykorzystaniem platformy Microsoft Teams.
The full list of winners and Polish-language information about their activities are available at ranging
of Exercise of the MUG has been elected as the new Chairmen of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Council at
I hope that at the end of my four-year term, your universities will be attended by students from our ... country – said the South African Ambassador to Poland, Nomvule Mngomezulu, during a meeting held at the ... Nomvule Mngomezulu with an offer of Gdańsk universities, which comprised not only engineer’s studies at ... Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science at the MUG The Maritime Telemedicine Assistance ... – At our university, we have many departments connected with the sea.
He is currently professor of biochemistry and microbiology at the University of Victoria in Canada (since ... He was also a professor at the University of Meryland in Baltimore (2013-2020) and the University of ... Washington (2004-2012) and the first Director of Proteomics at the Institute for Systems Biology (2000 ... Goodlett is an Editor at “Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry”, and since 2007 also co-organizer
Its main tasks include supporting talented scientists at all stages of their careers, stimulating the