Full program oferuje: 5 modułów podstawowych – realizowanych online, 3 moduły bonusowe ... – realizowane online, uczestnictwo we wszystkich webinariach (Kick-off i Mid-term presentations ... Wersja light program: dostęp do 5 modułów podstawowych – realizowanych online, dostęp ... do 3 dodatkowych modułów – realizowanych online, udział w wydarzeniach rekrutacyjnych i Mid-term
członków działającego przy jednostce Studenckiego Koła Naukowego odbyło się 22 kwietnia 2023 r. w formie online ... W ramach wydarzenia zostały udostępnione online streszczenia prezentacji plenarnych oraz komunikatów
Professor Kant is a member of the Viral Zoonoses Research Unit and represented the Helsinki partners at
Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science of the MUG and co-hosts of the diploma ceremony at Lazarski ... Dean of the Postgraduate Education Centre and the director of the Institute of Healthcare Management at ... difficult pandemic time. – In fact, only today we see each other live together – she emphasized. – Online
At the ceremony on 22nd of April 2023 in Warsaw also participated Dr. Habil. ... among others, authors or co-authors of scientific articles, monograph chapters and papers presented at
. – Spotkania online były wymagające, ale też niezwykle inspirujące.
responsible, among other things, for the care and supervision of the work of local branches operating at ... Her tasks will include external representation of the organisation – at the national level, maintaining ... non-governmental organisations working in the field of health and social involvement of young people, and at ... clinical placements, as well as working directly with the secretary and treasurer of the Association at ... responsibilities will include working directly with the secretary and treasurer of the Association at
and mobile application was created, which can be downloaded free of charge from GPLay lub AppStore online ... support entities of the higher education and science system in the implementation of projects aimed at
Paul Grundemann, visiting professor at the University Medical Center Utrecht. ... . – medical assistant at Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS in Milan and researcher at the Department ... of Oncology and Oncohematology at the University of Milan, who discussed the physical and clinical aspects
Istnieje możliwość konsultacji online (MS TEAMS, ZOOM).
The award was presented during the British Society for Parasitology Spring Meeting held at the University ... The membership of the BSP stands at around 800 in number.
You can read about these events here: https://gumed.edu.pl/73092.html
Here, we aimed to investigate whether the enzymes involved in the synthesis and degradation of 7alpha ... Taken together, we here demonstrate that EBI2 and the enzymes regulating its ligand levels are differentially
could target remyelination along with reducing Aβ and tau pathology You can submit your manuscript here
category, with students voting for Jan Spodnik, Ph.D. from the Division of Anatomy and Neurobiology at ... Detailed results of the competition are available at osmosis.org.
As part of the ongoing work, among other things, icons have been placed at the top of the new Extranet ... A new feature is the calendar located at the bottom of the page, which we want to co-edit with you. ... The information published here, as a rule, is not meant to be a duplication of news from the home page ... the standard and protocols for internal and external communication will be developed and implemented at ... Individual requests received from you regarding current events taking place at the MUG since March this
Istnieje możliwość konsultacji online (MS TEAMS, ZOOM).
Tego będzie można dowiedzieć się już 18 kwietnia 2023 r. na spotkaniu online z Mileną Bodych-Biernacką
The 28th International Student Scientific Conference will take place from 13th to 15th of April 2023 at ... Student Scientific Society of the MUG will be the opening ceremony organized on 13th of April 2023 at ... 12:30 at the Atheneum Gendanense Novum. ... More information about the conference can be found at its website, as well as its Facebook and Instagram
Smoluchowskiego 17) oraz online za pomocą platformy Zoom.
Całość opracowania dostępna jest online na stronie PAN fot.
Uniwersytetu Medycznego, Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego odbyło się 23 marca br. w formule online
The talks at the clinical hospital of the Medical University of Gdańsk were attended by, among others ... Thank you for being here today to change this world of quality for the better, whether for internal needs ... Marcin Gruchała, Rector of the MUG. – Regardless of the intention that brings us here, we all benefit ... In the last one – education at medical universities was discussed. ... conference Safety and quality in health care enjoyed great interest both in the stationary form and via the online
This-year’s GUMed Futsal Tournament took place from 25th of March to 2nd of April 2023 at the Sport
cieszyła się dużym zainteresowaniem zarówno w formie stacjonarnej, jak i za pośrednictwem transmisji online