

Number of results: 2064

POLPHARMA sfinansuje projekty z tematyki AI
Start / Aktualności / POLPHARMA sfinansuje projekty z tematyki AI

Istnieje możliwość konsultacji online (MS TEAMS, ZOOM).

Konkurs na inwestycje związane z działalnością naukową
Start / Aktualności / Konkurs na inwestycje związane z działalnością naukową

użytkownika systemu OSF: malgorzatasc Zachęcamy do konsultowania wniosków telefonicznie, mailowo i online

PRELUDIUM 23 - nowy nabór wniosków
Start / Aktualności / PRELUDIUM 23 - nowy nabór wniosków

Istnieje możliwość konsultacji online (MS TEAMS, ZOOM).

OPUS 27 - nowy nabór wniosków
Start / Aktualności / OPUS 27 - nowy nabór wniosków

Istnieje możliwość konsultacji online (MS TEAMS, ZOOM).

Researcher from the Division of Tropical Parasitology is co-author of the publication in "Nature"
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2023/2024 / Researcher from the Division of Tropical Parasitology is co-author of the publication in "Nature"

Ravi Kant holds the position of an associate professor at the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine ... Associate Professor (docent) at the Department of Virology at the University of Helsinki.

The proton-sensing receptors TDAG8 and GPR4 are differentially expressed in human and mouse oligodendrocytes: Exploring their role in neuroinflammation and multiple sclerosis
Start / Our papers / The proton-sensing receptors TDAG8 and GPR4 are differentially expressed in human and mouse oligodendrocytes: Exploring their role in neuroinflammation and multiple sclerosis

These receptors are inactive at alkaline pH, reaching maximal activation at acidic pH. ... Accordingly, we here found that expression of TDAG8, as opposed to GPR4 or OGR1, is upregulated in MS ... tentatively point towards a potential association between TDAG8 and myelination processes in humans, hinting at

Three candidates for Rector of the MUG
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2023/2024 / Three candidates for Rector of the MUG

Prof INTERCOLLEGIATE FACULTY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY UG & MUG 15.04 at 18:00-20:00 ... UG ADMINISTRATION 16.04 at 12:30-14:30 Prof. ... FACULTY OF MEDICINE 16.04 at 15:15-17:15 Prof. ... at Hallera street Prof. ... place on 24 April at 12:00.

Znamy autorów najlepszych prac magisterskich
Start / Uczelnia / Aktualności / Rok akademicki 2023/2024 / Znamy autorów najlepszych prac magisterskich

wykonanych w Gdańskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym na kierunku farmacja odbył się 22 marca 2024 r. w formie online

Bezpłatna Konferencja Naukowa dla Młodych Naukowców, bezpłatna monografia 20 pkt. MEiN
Start / Nauka / Aktualności / Bezpłatna Konferencja Naukowa dla Młodych Naukowców, bezpłatna monografia 20 pkt. MEiN

przedstawienia wyników badań własnych w postaci prezentacji ustnych (7-10 minut) i plakatowych (sesja plakatowa online ... Referaty można prezentować stacjonarnie lub online, zarówno w języku polskim, jak i angielskim.

Seminar "...where discovery science meets clinical medicine"
Start / News & lab activities / Seminar "...where discovery science meets clinical medicine"

“Strategies for Myelin Repair in Multiple Sclerosis: From Basic Insights to Clinical Applications” at

Irish Day at the MUG
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2023/2024 / Irish Day at the MUG

To continue with our University’s tradition, the Irish Day took place on March 15th 2024 at the MUG.

Studentki uczyły jak dbać o zdrowie
Start / Uczelnia / Aktualności / Rok akademicki 2023/2024 / Studentki uczyły jak dbać o zdrowie

wystawienie stoiska, zarówno poprzez zaplanowaną i zaakceptowaną przez wszystkich partnerów projektu kampanię online

Students taught how to take care of health
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2023/2024 / Students taught how to take care of health

For several days preceding the exhibition of the stand, both through an online campaign planned and approved ... Since the beginning of the event at the Forum Shopping Center in Gdańsk, the MUG’s point has been visited

The "Student Grant" Program
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2023/2024 / The "Student Grant" Program

Do you keep asking new questions, are interested in learning and imagine a future at the university? ... Such ‘research training’ at the university will certainly translate into earlier development of a range

The "Student Grant" Program
Start / News / The "Student Grant" Program

Do you keep asking new questions, are interested in learning and imagine a future at the university? ... Such ‘research training’ at the university will certainly translate into earlier development of a range

The MUG is a member of the ACE2-EU consortium
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2023/2024 / The MUG is a member of the ACE2-EU consortium

Detailed information about the activities of ACE2-EU and its members is available at

Nasi naukowcy nominowani do „Pomorskich Sztormów”
Start / Uczelnia / Aktualności / Rok akademicki 2023/2024 / Nasi naukowcy nominowani do „Pomorskich Sztormów”

Jej laureat zostanie wyłoniony poprzez trwające do 18 marca 2024 r. głosowanie online.

Clinical research at the MUG – a study with a future
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2023/2024 / Clinical research at the MUG – a study with a future

Przyszłością”), which is awarded to the most innovative and valuable faculties and study programmes at ... Future” took place on 4 March this year in Wrocław, and the certificate for the awarded course of study at ... Detailed information on the course and recruitment conditions can be found at

Rare Disease Day with SSC Rare Diseases
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2023/2024 / Rare Disease Day with SSC Rare Diseases

Your Way to Awareness – it’s the phrase under which the Student Scientific Circle Rare Diseases active at ... Before this day, at our University the SSC Rare Diseases prepared an initiative aimed at uniting patients ... Starting right at the Department of Paediatrics, Haemathology & Oncology and making the Branches ... The merge of knowledge, art, and activism was finally showcased at the stall in the Invasive Medicine ... They were asked to leave a fingerprint at the number which they thought was the correct answer to the

Publication on elevated complement factor I expression in lung cancer cells
Start / News / Publication on elevated complement factor I expression in lung cancer cells

Researchers at the Medical University of Gdańsk are co-authors of a publication titled Elevated expression ... first author of the paper is Anna Felberg, Ph.D. from the Department of Cell Biology and Immunology at ... In addition, a team from the Department of Enzymology and Molecular Oncology at MUG contributed to the

List of one hundred most influential People in Polish Medicine
Start / News / List of one hundred most influential People in Polish Medicine

The whole list is avaliable here: List of 100 in medicine graphics from Puls Medycyny

The best in Polish medicine and health care
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2023/2024 / The best in Polish medicine and health care

Also ranked at place 64 is Dr. Habil. Elżbieta Senkus-Konefka, Assoc. ... Prof. from the Department of Oncology & Radiotherapy of the MUG, and at place 72 Prof.

Cinematic Poland
Start / News / Cinematic Poland

will take place every month (second to last Thursday of each months) throughout the academic year at

Biostatistics Course
Start / News / Biostatistics Course

The application form is available at

Publish masterfully – a training series
Start / News / Publish masterfully – a training series

The events will be held on February 27, March 14, April 4 and 9, 2024 in an online format. ... The webinar will also address issues related to articles in the Open Access model, with a look at the