Traditionally, doctors and associate professors of pharmaceutical sciences, medical sciences and health sciences received their diplomas in Artus Court. The ceremony was held on 7th March 2025 and was attended by the Rector of the MUG, Prof. Michał Markuszewski, the Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation, Prof. Anna Żaczek, the Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs, Prof. Michał Hoffmann, the Vice-Rector for Science, Prof. Michał Żmijewski, the dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Magdalena Prokopowicz, the Ddean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Maria Bieniaszewska, and the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences with the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine, Prof. Przemysław Rutkowski.
Also present were Prof. Alicja Dębska-Ślizień, chairman of the Medical Sciences Council of our University, Prof. Jędrzej Antosiewicz, Chairman of the Health Sciences Council, and Prof. Krzysztof Cal, chairman of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Council. The event was attended by 22 promoters from the Faculty of Medicine, 12 promoters from the Faculty of Health Sciences from the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine and 13 promoters from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
The following guests from France, partners of the University and the combined field of study Sustainable Drug Discovery from Universities of Lille and Bordeaux were also present during the ceremony:
In accordance with the 16th-century tradition of Artus Court, the felucca cannons were fired in honour of the guests. The Rector’s speech was followed by the awarding of postdoctoral diplomas.
Prof. Alicja Dębska-Ślizień presented postdoctoral diplomas in medical sciences to 5 associate professors: Marcin Markuszewski, Rafał Pęksa, Dorota Purzycka-Bohdan, Krzysztof Specjalski and Radosław Targoński.
Piotr Kawczak, Karol Sikora, Wiktoria Struck-Lewicka, Renata Wawrzyniak and Daniel Żakowiecki received their associate professor’s diplomas in pharmaceutical sciences from the hands of Professor Krzysztof Cal.
Anna Michalik, Krzysztof Sobczak and Maciej Tankiewicz, Ph.D. Eng. received their associate professor’s diplomas in health sciences from the hands of Prof. Jędrzej Antosiewicz.
Another part of the ceremony was the promotions for doctoral degrees. The solemn oath in Latin was taken by 61 doctoral students.
The promotion of 28 doctoral students in medical sciences was done by the Chair of the Medical Sciences Council, 17 doctoral students in health sciences by the Chair of the Health Sciences Council, and 16 doctoral students in pharmaceutical sciences by the Chair of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Council.
At the end of the ceremony, the guests from France presented Rector Prof. Michał Markuszewski with a Diploma of Honour from the University of Lille in recognition of his contribution to science and cooperation in conducting joint studies under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme.
At the end of the ceremony, Rector Prof. Michal Markuszewski congratulated the new doctors and associate professors, wishing them further success in their scientific achievements, and thanked everyone for coming. Music was provided by the Choir of the Medical University of Gdańsk under the direction of Błażej Połom, Ph.D..
Photo. P. Sudara/MUG