Scientific communication

StartScienceScientific communication

The Medical University of Gdańsk is one of four Polish universities which started cooperation with the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London (ICL) in the field of scientific communication. The Jagiellonian University, the Warsaw University of Technology and the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań are also engaged in actions for popularization of scientific research and works’ results. On the part of the MUG, these activities are carried out by Prof. Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science and Joanna Śliwińska, Ph.D., Spokesman and Head of Communication Unit of the MUG.

Through the common initiatives the universities are going to promote an interdisciplinary nature of science and increase level of understanding scientists’ achievements in public dimension. Popular science podcasts with experts talking about important things in attractive, hospitable and understandable way, were planned. First of them will be devoted to uncertainty in science. Another form of collaboration will be scientific communication workshops for academic society members. This dialogue is vital for forming the politics and social attitudes knowingly. The scientific communication has never been more important than now.

All Polish universities invited to cooperation are laureates of prestigious competition Excellence Initiative – Research University, while the Imperial College is one of leading universities in the Great Britain, which specializes in research and education in the fields of science, engineering and medicine. In the latest QS Worls University Rankings 2021 it occupies the 8th position on the world best universities list.

The founding group meeting was organized on 27th and 28th of June 2022 in Poznań. Its aim was to develop good practices and share experiences in the area of science communication. During the meeting, further initiatives were also discussed, including the summer school of scientific communication planned for 2023.


photo by Adrian Wykrota/AMU