The Epsilon Theta Chapter at the Medical University of Gdańsk is one of the few Chapters of the Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity not based within the USA, but nevertheless has made quite a mark since its inception in 2010. Operating under the motto of “Facta, Non Verba”, (“Deeds, Not Words”) the Fraternity aims to integrate the Polish- and English-speaking medical students, deepen our knowledge and offer help to both students and the local community. We achieve these goals by way of organising courses, hands-on workshops, social events, volunteering and fundraising events.
The fraternity is almost entirely peer-lead and student-focused, but also enjoys the kind assistance and support of members of staff within our own University and Hospital; with their guidance, members aim to continuously organise and partake in activities to boost their skills whilst simultaneously giving back to the community. Our ultimate aim: to produce the most able, skilled and empathetic doctors the MUG has to offer. In January 2013, the International Board of the Fraternity has recognised our Members’ volunteer work as exceptional and bestowed our Chapter with the Myer H. Stoler Public Service Award.
More information about the Fraternity’s activities and joining it: