

Number of results: 2063

Szkolenia dla kadry zarządzającej i administracyjnej
Start / Szkolenia dla kadry zarządzającej i administracyjnej

Forma szkolenia: online Liczba miejsc dostępnych na szkoleniu: 24 (2 grupy po 12 ... Forma szkolenia: online Liczba miejsc dostępnych na szkoleniu: 20 (2 grupy po 10 ... Forma szkolenia: online Liczba miejsc dostępnych na szkoleniu ... Forma szkolenia: online Informacje o szkoleniu ... Forma szkolenia: online Informacje o szkoleniu

Nasze projekty
Start / Nasze projekty

zagranicznych z Peru i Zambii podczas uroczystej inauguracji roku akademickiego 2020/2021 (nagrania odtwarzane online ... dla studentów GUMed z udziałem absolwentów zagranicznych w roli prelegentów (3 sesje: 1 na żywo, 2 online

Recruitment process for 2024/2025
Start / First MUG Doctoral School / Recruitment process for 2024/2025

EDUCATION at the FIRST MUG DOCTORAL SCHOOL IS HELD IN ENGLISH. ... ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION – NOTES >> ONLINE REGISTRATION << Electronic registration ... CONFIRMATION OF FULFILLMENT OF THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS CAN BE OBTAINED BY EMAIL AT THE DOCTORAL STUDENTS ... The candidate’s declaration of not studying at another doctoral school: 6. ... In the event 2 supervisors are appointed, at least one of them must be employed at the University at

Start / Publications

zdrowiem” Links to publication for mobile devices: EPUB MOBI ISBN: 978-83-67147-00-2 ISBN online

D&E - A9 - Feb. 2023 - Deaf patient at the doctor
Start / Diverse & Equal - Stage 2 - Culture of Respect / D&E - A9 - Feb. 2023 - Deaf patient at the doctor

Deaf patient at the doctor Google Translator for Chrome To Google

Mówcy / Speakers
Start / Mówcy / Speakers

of Exeter Paul is the Divisional Head for Student Employability and Academic Success (SEAS) at ... worked in the internet sector, where he gained considerable experience in social media strategies and online ... first ones at the Polish universities. ... Członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Badaczy Rynku i Opinii oraz World at Work. ... At the same time, since 2008, a researcher at the Department of International Management at the Cracow

Maria Jeżewska, Irena Leszczyńska, Bogdan Jaremin: Work related stress in seamen
Start / 2006 / Maria Jeżewska, Irena Leszczyńska, Bogdan Jaremin: Work related stress in seamen

People working at sea experience stress connected with their specific work conditions, high job responsibility ... The self- evaluation of mental strain related to the work at sea was arranged for Maritime Academy students ... officers and ship’s engineers, of the mean age 47,2 years, with a minimum 15-year period of service at ... Comparing to the officers with a long period of service at sea, the students were more vulnerable to ... The programme of psychological training, aimed at supporting the personal competence, was proposed as

Satisfactory Academic Progress Regulations
Start / FINANCIAL AID / Satisfactory Academic Progress Regulations

aid with the qualitative standard, a student must maintain the academic standing necessary to remain at ... The Financial Aid Office will conduct a review at the end of each academic year to determine the students ... Additional review will be conducted at the end of the winter semester. ... Students may be dismissed by the Dean’s Office at the end of any semester if they have not made sufficient ... Satisfactory Academic Progress) State what the student has learned from the experience of being here

Student Scientific Circles Database
Start / Student Scientific Circles Database

/ Does the circle work (at least partially) in English? ... / Does the circle work (at least partially) in English? ... krótkie prezentacje, zgłaszać będzie się można przed każdym następnym, zaplanowanym spotkaniem obchody online ... krótkie prezentacje, zgłaszać będzie się można przed każdym następnym, zaplanowanym spotkaniem obchody online ... Opis aktywności/activity description: zajęcia online

Rector's elections - organization of elections and electoral meetings
Start / University / Authorities / Elections 2024 / Rector's elections - organization of elections and electoral meetings

Prof INTERCOLLEGIATE FACULTY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY UG & MUG 15.04 at 18:00-20:00 ... UG ADMINISTRATION 16.04 at 12:30-14:30 Prof. ... FACULTY OF MEDICINE 16.04 at 15:15-17:15 Prof. ... Tomasz Smiatacz FACULTY OF PHARMACY 19.04 at 14:00-16:00 Lecture hall no. 2 (al. ... Medical University of Gdańsk will take place STATIONARY on 24th of April at 12:00 at the Sports Centre

Social event
Start / Social event

May, 25, 2013 – Official dinner at the “Dar Pomorza” (Gift of Pomerania). Start at 7 p.m. ... Polish sailing frigate built in 1909 which is currently preserved as a museum ship permanently moored at

Research grants
Start / Research grants

More details here>>> Research project founded by Medical University of Gdańsk “Effect


Foreign language classes are run according to a fixed language course programme published at the beginning ... Students’ presence at Polish and Latin course classes is mandatory. ... When absent from a class, students are obliged to present a legitimate excuse for that absence at the ... Students are allowed to correct their negative marks at the time specified by the language teacher. ... Students who are active at classes, attend classes regularly and achieve the average 4,5 in the whole

IA MUG Brochures
Start / NAWA "International Alumni" Programme - HHF Project / Actions / IA MUG Brochures

authored by MUG International Alumni (Action code: B) This action in the HHF project is aimed at ... One brochure, under a working title “Study and thrive at the Medical University of Gdańsk”, is intended ... to contain our Graduates’ experiences and hints on how to make the most of studying at the MUG and living ... prospective future students with true first-hand account of how the Graduates were using their time at ... Extracurricular involvement (research, volunteer clinical shifts, student organizations) Studies at

Students’ Trustee
Start / Students / Students’ Trustee

. – Assistant Professor at the Division of Neonatology of the MUG, a specialist in neonatology. ... During her studies, she studied for one year at the University of Perugia as part of the Erasmus student ... Weronika Ciećko, Ph.D. – Assistant Professor at the Center for Competence Development, Integrated Care ... and e-Health at the MUG. ... During this, he completed a one-year internship at Ohio University in Athens (USA).

5,5-year Master of Pharmacy
Start / ENTRANCE EXAMS / 5,5-year Master of Pharmacy

Interview The guidelines on interview include, the following: • interview to be administered online ... Estimate time for interview 20 minutes per candidate; • the interview will be entirely conducted online

Różni i równi - webinaria i wykłady
Start / Różni i Równi - etap II kampanii / Różni i równi - webinaria i wykłady

kampanii Różni i Równi we współpracy z SKN Komunikacji Medycznej odbył się 15 marca br. o godz. 18:00 online ... kampanii Różni i Równi we współpracy z SKN Komunikacji Medycznej odbył się 19 kwietnia br. o godz. 17:00 online

Start / Rekrutacja

Jeżeli kandydat będący osobą z niepełnosprawnością nie może dokonać rejestracji w systemie rekrutacji online

D&E - A4 - Jan. 2023 - Jimmy will come to collect the test results, or how (not) to talk about disability
Start / Diverse & Equal - Stage 2 - Culture of Respect / D&E - A4 - Jan. 2023 - Jimmy will come to collect the test results, or how (not) to talk about disability

Matuszewska, medical journalist, rehabilitation manager and specialist in integrated rehabilitation at ... She adds that it is also a challenge to register at a clinic or fill a prescription at a pharmacy. ... I can’t enter the PIN at the payment card terminal. ... Many people do not know that it is possible to communicate with a deaf patient via an online sign language ... These outrageous words were directed at my wife – Mr. Marek complains.

Young Scientist Program
Start / Science / Young Scientist Program

At the beginning of his scientific career, he had the opportunity to benefit from a similar form of support ... at one of the largest clinical hospitals in Europe – at the Charite University of Berlin. ... Jacek Bigda, Acting Chancellor and Vice-Rector for Development and Organization of Education at our University

Erasmus Students of the Medical University of Gdańsk
Start / Students / Student organizations / Erasmus Students of the Medical University of Gdańsk

activity of Erasmus Students of the Medical University of Gdańsk is taking care of students who are at ... foreign students have contact with after coming to Poland, and the first they turn to with any problems at ... All through the academic year they organize events aiming at bringing foreign students closer to Polish

IA Satisfaction Questionnaire
Start / NAWA "International Alumni" Programme - HHF Project / Actions / IA Satisfaction Questionnaire

International Alumni Satisfaction Questionnaire (Action code: Q) This action in the HHF project is aimed at ... It is our plan to measure our Graduates’ satisfaction at maximum 2-year intervals. ... Questionnaire is intended to measure satisfaction of our international Graduates with: Studies at ... competence, and attitude in interaction) Options to develop own research interest Student services at ... cafes, pubs Transportation (to/from; within the area) Please, submit your suggestions at

Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit
Start / Supporting structures / Excellence of Scientific Publications Unit

unit aims to provide comprehensive support for the communication of research results, particularly at ... database of cooperating companies that provide professional translation and proof reading services at ... A list of journals by discipline, quartile, and decile can be found here. ... When submitting the manuscript or at the final stage of the publication process (depending on the journal ... You can also look at the diamond list of Open Access journals, which do not charge authors or readers

Start / University / Authorities / Authorities

at the University of Bremen as part of the TEMPUS programme and at Eindhoven University of Technology ... the Jagiellonian University, biostatistics at the Jagiellonian University, pedagogy at the University ... In 1995, she began her doctoral studies at the Department of Analytical Chemistry at Gdańsk University ... In 1999, she began working at the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Medical Academy in Gdańsk, ... In 2005, he completed a one-year research internship at the Department of Toxicology at the University

Ingunn Holmen Geving, Kristin Ulven Jorgensen, Maria Suong Le Thi, Mariann Sandsund: Physical activity levels among offshore fleet seafarers
Start / 2007 / Ingunn Holmen Geving, Kristin Ulven Jorgensen, Maria Suong Le Thi, Mariann Sandsund: Physical activity levels among offshore fleet seafarers

Advanced technology has rationalized and simplified operations at sea; however, this development has ... health is crucial both to preventing strain injuries and to ensuring alertness and optimal performance at ... Twenty per cent never exercised on board, and 5% never exercised at home. ... Walking is preferred by 70% of seafarers at home, as well as cycling and doing manual work. ... Strength training is more often preferred on board than at home.