

Number of results: 2064

Dzień Otwarty GUMed 2023 za nami
Start / Uczelnia / Aktualności / Rok akademicki 2022/2023 / Dzień Otwarty GUMed 2023 za nami

Uczestników Dnia Otwartego, którzy zgromadzili się tłumnie w CBM, a także online powitał prorektor ds

Summary of 5th OSSC
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / Summary of 5th OSSC

the Oncological Student Scientific Conference (OSSC) took place on the 17th and 18th of March 2023 at

Znamy autorki najlepszych prac magisterskich
Start / Uczelnia / Aktualności / Rok akademicki 2022/2023 / Znamy autorki najlepszych prac magisterskich

wykonanych w Gdańskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym na kierunku farmacja odbył się 24 marca 2023 r. w formie online

Funding from State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled to adapt facilities to the needs of people with disabilities
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / Funding from State Fund for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled to adapt facilities to the needs of people with disabilities

Thanks to the funds obtained, the transport platform at the Scientific and Research Centre for Laboratory ... It is worth recalling that there is a Plenipotentiary for Persons with Disabilities at the MUG.

Changes in mailing communication and Extranet system
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / Changes in mailing communication and Extranet system

Individual requests received from you regarding current events taking place at the MUG will be sent in ... At the same time, we would like to remind you that all kinds of announcements of conferences, lectures

Professor Karaszewski is the winner of the "Naukowy Sztorm Pomorza" award
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / Professor Karaszewski is the winner of the "Naukowy Sztorm Pomorza" award

presenting the statuettes in the Gazeta Wyborcza Trójmiasto plebiscite took place on 23rd of March2023 at ... Naukowy is an award for the best scientist in Pomerania who can combine the ability to conduct research at ... At this point, I mention my University, Hospital, and above all my team with whom I work on a daily basis ... the cities: Gdańsk, Sopot, Gdynia on its vertices, and its form is to symbolize their equality and, at ... academic centre in Pomerania, which will be a magnet attracting the most talented people to work and study here

The MUG with co-financing for photovoltaics
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / The MUG with co-financing for photovoltaics

– We are gradually introducing a number of technical and organizational solutions aimed at caring

On a sustainable future for international education – APAIE 2023
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / On a sustainable future for international education – APAIE 2023

Pacific Association for International Education), which took place from 13th to 17th of March 2023 at ... After the conference, the Polish delegation also met at the seat of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland

We know the representatives of the University in the "Red Rose" competition
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / We know the representatives of the University in the "Red Rose" competition

best scientific circle in the competition took part: SKN Practical Experimental Dermatology at ... Allergology, represented by Zuzanna Świerczewska, SKN Chirurgii Stomatologicznej (SSC of Dental Surgery) at ... Division of Oral Surgery represented by Natalięa Kempa, SKN Przyszłe Położne (SSC Future Midwives) at ... The environmental stage of the competition will take place at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk, where on

The MUG received funds for the construction of a new seat of the University Dental Centre
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / The MUG received funds for the construction of a new seat of the University Dental Centre

Modern vocational education at the highest level must be based on the latest technologies, as well as ... ‒ It is important that the Medical University of Gdańsk realizes dreams and plans at such a pace

"Morning" Coffee
Start / News / "Morning" Coffee

On the 17th of March, we took a break from studying at welcome point to enjoy a glimpse of South India

"Morning" Coffee - Dzień Indyjski
Start / Wydarzenia / "Morning" Coffee - Dzień Indyjski

On the 17th of March, we took a break from studying at welcome point to enjoy a glimpse of South India

"Morning" Coffee - Indian Day
Start / Events / "Morning" Coffee - Indian Day

On the 17th of March, we took a break from studying at welcome point to enjoy a glimpse of South India

O nauczaniu zdalnym przy okrągłym stole
Start / Uczelnia / Aktualności / Rok akademicki 2022/2023 / O nauczaniu zdalnym przy okrągłym stole

inicjatywy grona rektorskiego Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w formie hybrydowej: w Sali Senatu oraz online ... Kształcenie w sposobie hybrydowym daje możliwość asynchronicznej nauki, oponowanie ogromnej liczby narzędzi online ... – Duża część studentów nie chce zgłaszać tego, że ma problem w trakcie nauczania online. ... trudności socjalno-bytowe (nie każdy ma możliwości finansowe oraz socjalne do uczestniczenia w zajęciach online ... Kompetencje niższego rzędu mogą być realizowane online, a kompetencje wyższego rzędu muszą być realizowane

New technologies – new threats?
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / New technologies – new threats?

MUG and Gdańsk Entrepreneurship Incubator STARTER will share, in an accessible way, knowledge useful at ... In his role, he is expected to defend critical systems from cyber-attacks to ensure that they remain online ... Stanisław Hiller Lecture Hall, (Dębinki 1 Street, Gdańsk Collegium Biomedicum) or online Registration ... Detailed information on the project can be found at

Michał Bohdan, Ph.D. is the HFA Ambassador
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / Michał Bohdan, Ph.D. is the HFA Ambassador

education in the field of conducting research in the field of heart failure as part of a scholarship at

A festival of colours at our University
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / A festival of colours at our University

the South Asian Students’ Association – an organisation for students of South Asian origin studying at

Polish breast self-examination record set
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / Polish breast self-examination record set

More than 150 women took part in an event on breast cancer risk, prevention, and treatment held at ... During the meeting at the ECS, breast self-examination instruction was given by student Dominika Rabant ... It was a great opportunity to find out more about breast cancer prevention and treatment at the stands ... of the OmeaLife Foundation, Support at the Start, and the Medical University of Gdańsk, where students ... Paweł Kabata, Ph.D. from the Departament of Surgical Oncology at the MUG also attended the meeting.

„Dobre praktyki biobankowania” – spotkanie Zespołu VI POB 3
Start / Aktualności / Aktualności / „Dobre praktyki biobankowania” – spotkanie Zespołu VI POB 3

Dębinki 7, budynek nr 5, I piętro) online oraz za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

Wizyta naukowca GUMed w Teksasie
Start / Nauka / Aktualności / Wizyta naukowca GUMed w Teksasie

otwartym, jak i podczas hospitalizacji oraz programy prewencji dla młodzieży oferowane w postaci kursów online

MUG's students help Syrian earthquake victims
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / MUG's students help Syrian earthquake victims

from 14th of February to 2nd of March 2023 They bravely packed the collected gifts on 6th of March at ... We have opened a point at Grunwaldzka 126 street, we are also preparing a resolution for the City Council

MCWBK of the MUG, UCC and UDC officially open
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / MCWBK of the MUG, UCC and UDC officially open

to the infrastructural, organizational and human resources, this type of research can be conducted at ... I hope that there is another impulse to carry out clinical trials at the Medical University of Gdańsk ... and management of clinical trials and medical experiments, including research experiments, launched at ... The unit’s tasks also include supporting clinical trials conducted at the UCC and UDC. ... me very happy is the fact that in a sense the idea of creating the Clinical Trials Centres was born here

Essentials of a Young Researcher
Start / News / Essentials of a Young Researcher

– The “Essentials of a Young Researcher” workshop is aimed at the needs of students and doctoral ... conducted by Piotr Spychalski, Ph.D. from the Department of General, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery at ... management tools, reporting – by Anna Supernat, Ph.D. from the Department of Translational Oncology at

Essentials of a Young Researcher
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / Essentials of a Young Researcher

– The “Essentials of a Young Researcher” workshop is aimed at the needs of students and doctoral ... conducted by Piotr Spychalski, Ph.D. from the Department of General, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery at ... management tools, reporting – by Anna Supernat, Ph.D. from the Department of Translational Oncology at

Awarded for significant implementation achievements
Start / University / News / Academic Year 2022/2023 / Awarded for significant implementation achievements

, Ph.D. from the Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Transplantation of the UCC, doctoral student at