Wszystkie artykuły przesyłane są do IMH online przez elektroniczny system zgłoszeń. ... Maritime Health jest indeksowany w: Index medicus/medline, PubMed, Elsevier, Embase, Safety and health at
The event was held on 30th of June 2023 at the Polish Baltic F. Chopin Philharmonic in Gdańsk. ... The graduation ceremony video is available at MUG’s YouTube channel.
The lecture, entitled Drug discovery in academia: from bench to bedside, will be held on 12 July 2023 at ... 12:00 in a hybrid format: online and in the Auditorium Primum, Prof. ... Olgierd Narkiewicz Memorial Hall at Atheneum Gedanense Novum GUMed . ... Access details for the online meeting: Direct link Meeting ID 390 341 412 726 Passcode Pt7M52
Spotkanie odbędzie się 4 lipca 2023 r. o godz. 12:00 w sali 1.07 w bud. nr 1 (I piętro) oraz online. ... Dane dostępowe do spotkania online: Bezpośredni link do spotkania ID spotkania 879 5879 1082 Kod
in academia: from bench to bedside odbędzie się 12 lipca 2023 r. o godz. 12:00 w formie hybrydowej: online ... Dane dostępowe do spotkania online: Bezpośredni link do spotkania ID spotkania 390 341 412 726
For almost a decade, the Medical University of Gdansk has been at the forefront of Poland ... Biotechnology, conducted at the Inter-University Faculty of University of Gdańsk and the Medical Universitety ... The gala ceremony took place place on 29 June at 12:00 in Warsaw. ... At the same time, it fulfils the function of an important and reliable source of information for university
., from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) visited the Medical University of Gdańsk on 22 June at the ... floor was then taken by Prof Witold Rzyman, Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the MUG who, at ... the only comprehensive source of population-based information in the US that includes cancer stage at ... Jacek Jassem from the Department of Oncology & Radiotherapy at the Medical University of Gdańsk, ... Tomasz Zdrojewski, Head of the Department of Prevention and Didactics at the Medical University of Gdańsk
., from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) visited the Medical University of Gdańsk on 22 June at the ... Witold Rzyman, Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the MUG who, at Prof. ... the only comprehensive source of population-based information in the US that includes cancer stage at ... Jacek Jassem from the Department of Oncology & Radiotherapy at the Medical University of Gdańsk, ... Tomasz Zdrojewski, Head of the Department of Prevention and Didactics at the Medical University of Gdańsk
Watch the video here: and videos with other MUG’s young scientists ... here:
Mouthwatering food (not burned at all ;), laughter and scientific camaraderie filled the air.
Szurowska is also the Chairwoman of the Pomeranian Branch of PLTR, the Committee for Clinical Hospitals at
Były to CHI at Temple Street Children’s University Hospital oraz School of Physiotherapy Division of
użytkownika systemu OSF: malgorzatasc Zachęcamy do konsultowania wniosków telefonicznie, mailowo i online
projects and the co-originator of the Confocal Microscopy and Skin Dermoscopy laboratory established at ... Adrian Perdyan, M.D. is a doctoral student at the MUG’s First Doctoral School in the computational biology ... scholarship Walczak of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, which he is currently implementing at
prevention and early detection Priority Research Area 1 Study Team IX meeting will be held on 22 June at ... 13:00 in a hybrid format: in the Centre for Non-Invasive Medicine (first floor, Room 1/D/16) and online ... Parascandola, Ph.D. will visit the Medical University of Gdańsk at the special invitation of Dr. ... The event is aimed at those interested in cancer prevention and prevention. ... Access details for the online meeting:: Direct link
the Auditorium Primum of Professor Olgierd Narkiewicz in the Atheneum Gedanense Novum at the MUG. ... Jacek Kaczmarek introduced the speakers and welcomed the audience gathered both in-person and online ... She also travelled around the world before studying at our University. ... I learned that children play the same way here as they do on the other side of the world. ... It was pointed out that, for some at least, diversity may not be seen as a benefit.
Kaczmarek przedstawił prelegentów oraz przywitał słuchaczy zebranych zarówno stacjonarnie, jak i w formie online
00 w formule hybrydowej: w Centrum Medycyny Nieinwazyjnej (na pierwszym piętrze, w Sali 1/D/16) oraz online ... Dane dostępowe do spotkania online: Bezpośredni link ... ., is Branch Chief for Research and Training in the Center for Global Health at the National Cancer Institute ... served as an Embassy Science Fellow and expert advisor on tobacco control, air pollution and health at
Lucia Fernandez group at CNIO, for a three-month internship in the Brain Diseases Center.
– We are meeting today at the Medical University of Gdańsk to talk about the combined ... At the beginning of the meeting, spoke also the Vice-Rector Prof. Michał Markuszewski.
It’s a full-time second-cycle studies of general academic profile, conducted at the Faculty of Health ... The University’s CRSC is consolidating activities aimed at developing paths that improve the quality ... Clinical Research Support Centre of the MUG-UCC-UDC (MCWBK GUMed-UCK-UCS), co-created by partner units at
for this success, which we appreciate all the more, because the area of his research was recognized at
Applications may be submitted by persons who are preparing a doctoral dissertation at a foreign university ... The winners will continue their interdisciplinary research as part of their doctoral dissertation at ... The rules, details and application form are available at the FarU website. ... Meet our interns During the internship at the University of Gdańsk, Anna is planning to improve ... Maria is doing her internship at the Gdańsk University of Technology.
opportunity to present places worth seeing in Germany, back massage techniques and reasons for studying at