StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2023/2024Support program for the MUG...

Support program for the MUG students


Students of the Medical University of Gdańsk can take part in the project Supporting students in the improvement of their competencies and skills implemented by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. To apply for participation in the program, a set of completed documents should be sent by June 13 to

The aim of the project is to support female and male students in the development of their competence and skills, scientific activity, innovation, creativity, by enabling them to participate in international competitions, contests, conferences.

The recruitment is open to male and female students of the Medical University of Gdańsk who meet all of the following conditions:

  1. are students/students of first- or second-cycle studies or uniform master’s studies of the university that submits the application. The implementation of offers by interuniversity teams is allowed after indicating the university responsible for the implementation of the offer;
  2. have documented knowledge of at least one foreign language at a level not lower than B2;
  3. have a positive opinion of the faculty supervisor or supervisor of the scientific circle on their previous scientific activity;
  4. in the case of a team of male or female students, only those whose participation is necessary to achieve the objectives of the project may participate.

In addition, after the end of participation in the project (up to 4 weeks after the end of participation), students are required to provide information on their situation, such as their status in the labor market in accordance with the scope of data specified in the Guidelines for monitoring the material progress of program implementation for 2021-2027.


Highlights of the competition:

  • a maximum of PLN 80,000 in funding for projects implemented by 1 female or male student,
  • A maximum of PLN 500,000 in funding for projects implemented by a team of female or male students,
  • the activities planned in the project must be implemented and accounted for by December 31, 2025 and must not last longer than 18 months.

A complete application should include:

  • project application
  • cost estimate
  • CV of the student/student EN (in the case of a team – each member of the project team)
  • CV of the student/student PL (in the case of a team – each member of the project team)
  • a document confirming the student’s knowledge of at least one foreign language at a level not lower than B2, certified in particular by a certificate confirming the knowledge of a foreign language or a statement by a teacher on the level of the student’s knowledge of a foreign language (in the case of a team – each member of the project team).

Documentation will be evaluated on the basis of criteria:

  • formal:
    • submission of a complete application by the deadline and in the manner indicated in the recruitment announcement,
  • substantive:
    • compliance of the project with the objectives of the competition and the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (0-5 p.),
    • innovativeness of the project (0-5 p.),
    • scientific value of the project (0-5 p.),
    • feasibility of timely execution of the project (0-5 p.).

The results of the recruitment will be sent directly to interested parties on June 19, 2024.

For questions, please contact the staff of the Office of Student Affairs:

Detailed information about the competition can be found on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: Information about the project Supporting students in the improvement of their competencies and skills..