StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2023/2024Prof. Jacek Jassem is docto...

Prof. Jacek Jassem is doctor honoris causa of the MUL


Long-time Head of the Department of Oncology & Radiotherapy of the Medical University of Gdańsk, leader of POB 1 – Oncology Prof. Jacek Jassem was awarded the title of doctor honoris causa by the Medical University of Lodz. In the ceremony organized on 16th of May 2024, the following representatives of the authorities of the alma mater took part: Rector-Elect Prof. Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science; Prof. Edyta Szurowska, Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs, and the Laureate’s family, relatives and colleagues. The ceremonial meeting of the Senate was chaired by the Rector of MUL Prof. Radzisław Kordek, PhD supervisor.


I am extremely honored by this distinction. When I chose oncology at the beginning of my career, I treated it as a challenge because success in treatment was rare. However, I bet on a good horse – oncology is one of the fastest developing fields of medicine. Additionally, I was very lucky – a great team of colleagues, valuable research partners abroad and an understanding and supportive family. I dedicate this success to them – noted Prof. Jacek Jassem.

Rector Kordek emphasized the huge contribution of Prof. Jassem in the development of oncology in Poland and around the world. He concluded his speech with personal memories of the Laureate, emphasizing his role in creating oncological structures in Poland and his influence on the standards of oncology teaching at medical studies.

(...) true, honest, determined, faithful to his own beliefs, ready to give a lot in the name of fighting for people – their health and rights. In one of the interviews you said: “science is still my desire” – and I think this reflects you most deeply – fortunately for us, patients and future doctors – let it stay that way – concluded Prof. Kordek.

After the laudation, Prof. Wiktor Jędrzejczak from the Medical University of Warsaw, one of the reviewers of the honorary doctorate, gave a short speech, after which Prof. Jacek Rożniecki, on behalf of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Marzenna Zielińska, read the content of the doctor’s diploma honoris causa. Then the Rector formally awarded Prof. Jassem the title of doctor honoris causa and symbolically accepted him into the academic community of the university. At the end, the Laureate gave a lecture entitled: My vision of oncology – about research, observations, but also the history of oncology.

Prof. Jacek Jassem is an outstanding Polish scientist, specialist in the field of radiotherapy and clinical oncology. He was chairman of the Breast Cancer Group of the European Organization for Research on Cancer (EORTC), and in 1996 he took over the leadership of the Central European Oncology Group (CEEOG). In the years 2010-2014 he served as the chairman of the Polish Oncological Society. He is one of two Polish members of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences, a member of Academia Europea and a corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences. He conducts activities in the field of public health, including: developed a draft law banning smoking in public places (introduced in 2010) and coordinated the development of the Strategy for Combating Cancer in Poland 2015-2024. Founder and since 2018 president of the Polish Cancer League.

The leading areas of scientific activity of Prof. Jassem’s research in the last dozen or so years has focused primarily on translational and clinical research in malignant tumors, especially lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer, as well as biological and clinical aspects of brain metastases in cancer patients. He is the author or co-author of nearly 800 full-text publications in Poland and abroad, as well as 11 patents and patent applications.

For many years, he has been coordinating the development of Polish guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. He created his own pre-graduate training program at MUG. He is the author or co-author of several textbooks and several dozen chapters in Polish and foreign textbooks, as well as the chairman of the Academic Oncology Network, an organization dealing with the coordination and improvement of student teaching at Polish medical universities.

More information is available ad the Polish-language MUL’s website.

photos by the Medical University of Lodz