Kaleidoscope of 100 years – celebrating 100 years of Polish independence

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Kaleidoscope of 100 years – celebrating 100 years of Polish independence


The year 2018 marks the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Poland regaining independence. The Medical University of Gdańsk wishes to use this unique opportunity to show all the changes that took place in Polish science, particularly in those fields that are close to our hearts – namely, medicine and pharmacy. The series of events called “Kaleidoscope of 100 years” will introduce key moments, significant achievements and important figures in the history of the Medical University of Gdańsk.

July’s presentation shows solidarity strike of the students of then-called Medical Academy of Gdańsk which took place in November 1980. Growing healthcare crisis, shortage of basic medications and dressing materials as well as low salaries caused union representatives of healthcare workers NSZZ “Solidarność” to start negotiations with the government. Lack of agreement led to a sit down strike in the provincial office building. Students of Medical Academy, whose number in the peak time amounted to 2000 people, also supported the strike. The book Listopad ’80. Czas studentów i służby zdrowia (November ’80. The Time of the Students and Healthcare) edited by prof. Marek Latoszek was entirely dedicated to these events and it includes interviews with strike participants among other things.

Marek Bukowski from the Museum of Gdańsk Medical University and Joanna Śliwińska, the spokesman for MUG, are in charge of this project, with the cooperation of the Main Library, Department of Foreign Languages, University Archives, Information and Promotion Unit and MUG Choir among others.