events We organise official (and semi-official) events taking place at ... recruitment events A University-wide Open Day, either stationary or online ... Initiating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities at the University ... Coorganisation of scientific conferences at the MUG We help in organising ... among others, MUG-branded clothing which we order – and in many cases design as well – can be purchased at
favourable and friendly conditions for learning, scientific and personal development, as well as recovery, at ... With the beginning of the new academic year 2020/2021, we intend to initiate an action at the MUG to ... Anti-Discrimination Law (PSAL) and the Gdańsk Equal Treatment Council, we will conduct a series of online ... We initiate an action at the MUG to improve the quality of interpersonal relations, promote the milieu ... Anti-Discrimination Law (PSAL) and the Gdańsk Equal Treatment Council, we will conduct a series of online
Please note: the submitting author must be the first author of the abstract and the presenting author at ... For questions regarding the online submission process, please send an e-mail to the PNS secretariat.
Laboratory of Psychometric Tools in Healthcare at the Department of Psychology of the MUG H-Metrica ... At the H-Metrica Laboratory, we use our knowledge and experience to implement the best solutions and ... We can help you to plan psychometric tasks at selected stages of research or conduct a comprehensive
Akademickie “Genetyka w dochodzeniu epidemiologicznym” Dnia 30.05.2020 r. odbyło się online ... Natomiast na ćwiczeniach uczniowie zastosowali dostępne online narzędzia bioinformatyczne, za pomocą
Note: the album number will be available from the date of matriculation at the latest after logging in ... to your account in the online recruitment system. 3. ... Remember that your mail account at MUG will be:
. , kolejna w maju 2020 r. online.
Konsultacje realizowane są w dwóch formułach: online – po wcześniejszym umówieniu się ... Imię i nazwisko Przykładowe tematy spotkań Terminy konsultacji online Terminy konsultacji ... zajmujących się edukacją akademicką, w tym Antifragility in Higher Education, Service Learning at
Dorota Szlosowska, Sweden; specialist at internal medicine and pulmonology W4. ... Aleksander Stanek, UK; specialist at general surgery W5. ... Questions and Answers (15-20 minutes) Duration – 40-70 minutes Time: 17:00 at the ... Target audience – undergraduate and/or doctoral students of medicine, pharmacy or biotechnology; online ... Volunteers, please, submit your suggestions of topics and preferred dates for your presentations at iaro
Retrospective data on 51 suicides of Polish seamen and fishermen in the years 1960-1999 during work at
9.00-14.00 Tuesday 11.00-18.00 Wednesday 9.00-14.00 Thursday 9.00-14.00 Friday 9.00-14.00 Here
wszelkich starań, aby odpowiedzieć na każdą przesłaną wiadomość – bezpośrednio bądź podczas spotkań online
This workshop will take place at the Medical University of Gdansk, with the option to attend virtually ... Kieturakisa Lecture Hall Smoluchowskiego 17, 80-214 Gdańsk, Poland Form of meeting Stationary and online
Gdańsk citizens included famous scientists, such as Jan Hevelius, the astronomer who was born and worked here ... At that time magnificent churches, public buildings, patricians’ and rich burghers’ houses were built ... to walk down Monte Cassino Street, relax, meet friends and enjoy the wonderful summer nights either at
Poster size: A1, Presentation place: during poster sessions in electronic form + ONLINE
Digital accessibility at GUMed Google Translator for Chrome To
Students study at a university but live in a city and region – municipal, metropolitan and regional approach ... the pleasure to invite everyone interested in International Alumni Relations to participate in the online ... Director Internationalization Strategy Office, University of Economics in Katowice, General Council member at
Nursing Program The guidelines on oral exams include, the following: • interview to be administered online ... face-to-face oral exams and it lasts for 15-20 minutes; • the interview will be entirely conducted online
korzystać z liczących ponad 440 tysięcy woluminów książek i czasopism drukowanych oraz z 70 baz danych online ..., uzyskać zdalny dostęp do zasobów cyfrowych z komputerów domowych, odbyć online ... Biblioteki mogą: uzyskać zdalny dostęp do zasobów cyfrowych z komputerów domowych, odbyć online ... naukowego GUMed Biblioteka na bieżąco rejestruje dorobek publikacyjny Uczelni, tworząc dostępną online ... wykorzystano na realizację poniższych zadań: rozszerzenie informacji katalogowych zawartych w katalogu online
At what temperatures does the virus perish? ... It is already used by some practitioners at the J. ... e-mail: How will the online ... Can foreign students return to their home countries and take part in online classes? ... We are currently developing online courses, some of which should already be available.
Peripheral and intestinal T-regulatory cells are upregulated in children with inflammatory bowel disease at ... Immunohistochemical evidence of the co-localisation of cocaine and amphetamine regulatory peptide with ... Can preschool-aged children swallow several minitablets at a time? ... Human breast milk concentration of neopterin at various stages of lactation and during a single feeding
udziału w badaniu opinii i losów zawodowych zachęcamy do wypełnienia stale dostępnej na stronie ankiety online ... In this anonymous online survey, we kindly ask you to assess the quality of your education, your experience
foreign PhD students Organization of meetings and information and promotional activities (including online ... ) Activity at educational fairs Social media activity
e-zdrowia i telemedycyny Szkolenie odbywa się zdalnie 18-19 listopada 2023 Rejestracja online ... do 10.11.2023 r. 25-26 listopada 2023 Rejestracja online do 17.11.2023 r. 10-11 października ... wystąpień publicznych Szkolenie odbywa się zdalnie 21-22 października 2023 Rejestracja online ... do 16.10.2023 r. 25-26 listopada 2023 Rejestracja online do 17.11.2023 r. 10-11 października
the Department of Embryology Department of Biology and Medical Genetics at the Department ... Division of Anatomy and Neurobiology Confocal Microscopy and Skin Dermoscopy Laboratory at ... Dermatology Venereology and Allergology Laboratory for Biochemical Analysis and Imaging at ... the Division of Plastic Surgery Young Athletes Research Laboratory at the Department of ... the 2nd Division of Radiology Physical Activity Metabolism Laboratory at the Division of