

Number of results: 2063

Irena Leszczyńska, Maria Jeżewska, Bogdan Jaremin: Work-related stress at sea.
Start / 2008 / Irena Leszczyńska, Maria Jeżewska, Bogdan Jaremin: Work-related stress at sea. Possibilities of research and measures of stress

Triangulation means collecting evidence of stress from at least three sources: a) precursors – perception ... Is it possible to implement triangulation in the investigations of work-related stress at sea? ... In the present paper, possibilities of collecting data on the work at sea are analyzed as regards individual ... The employment of triangulation principles to examine stress in persons working at sea requires both ... Keywords: work-related stress at sea, concept of triangulation.

IA HHF Conference
Start / NAWA "International Alumni" Programme - HHF Project / Actions / IA HHF Conference

Due to the pandemic it was held online. ... Detail information about the conference, program, and speakers is available at the conference website

Najczęstsze pytania
Start / Najczęstsze pytania

Czy rejestracja online kandydatów na studia w GUMed jest obowiązkowa? ... Zapomniałem jak brzmi moje hasło do systemu rekrutacji online. Co mam zrobić? ... W jaki sposób należy wpisać swoje oceny w systemie rekrutacji online? ... Czy rejestracja online kandydatów na studia w GUMed jest obowiązkowa? TAK. ... - – - Zapomniałem jak brzmi moje hasło do systemu rekrutacji online.

Boniface, Karen Roberts, Elisabeth Kane: Suspected Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections at
Start / 2007 / Raymond Lucas, Keith Boniface, Karen Roberts, Elisabeth Kane: Suspected Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections at sea

Objective: To evaluate the incidence of skin and soft tissue infections at sea over the past 5 years ... undertaken of all cases reported from 2002 until 2006 to a single tele-medical advice service for ships at ... Since microbiologic diagnosis is not feasible at sea, cases were evaluated for the following features ... Across all years approximately 25% of cases required an I&D procedure at sea or upon arrival in port ... Planners for health care at sea should consider stocking appropriate antibiotics for suspected MRSA and

Start / First MUG Doctoral School / OPEN DAYS

the Open Days of the First MUG Doctoral School, which will take place on May 28-29, 2024, in Gdańsk, at ... 🎯 On May 28, at 10:00 AM, participants will be welcomed by Prof. ... 🎤 The second day will focus on the development opportunities that continuing education at ... 🎥 The meeting will also be streamed online 🌟 We warmly encourage you to participate!

D&E - A6 - Jan. 2023 - Equality training at the MUG
Start / Diverse & Equal - Stage 2 - Culture of Respect / D&E - A6 - Jan. 2023 - Equality training at the MUG

Equality training at the MUG On November 29 and December 9, 2022, the MUG held trainings ... SICIAREK, An expert on the integration of migrants and the implementation of the idea of human rights at ... Such a policy gives each person a sense of belonging, being at home, which is crucial when acquiring ... A clear message that the well-being of each person is important at the university and that their diversity

Zasady rejestracji kandydatów na studia
Start / Zasady rejestracji kandydatów na studia

Terminy w jakich odbywa się rejestracja online kandydatów na poszczególne kierunki studiów oferowanych ... Rejestracji online można dokonać z dowolnego komputera z dostępem do Internetu. ... Szczegółowy opis przebiegu kolejnych etapów rekrutacji online jest dostępny na stronie WWW: REJESTRACJA ... ONLINE. ... TYLKO w przypadku “PROBLEMÓW TECHNICZNO-KOMPUTEROWYCH” z rejestracją online na studia w GUMed należy

Start / 70th anniversary of dentistry in Gdańsk - International Scientific Conference - Oncology in Contemporary Dentistry / REGISTRATION

Registration Registration is submitted ONLY electronically, via online form. ... online registration link Conference participation: - registration fee before 30.04.2018 100 zł ... dinner: 150 zł Poster viewing Active participation registration is submitted ONLY via online

Włączenie wykładowców zagranicznych w proces kształcenia (moduł 1)
Start / Włączenie wykładowców zagranicznych w proces kształcenia (moduł 1)

Barbara Alicja Jereczek-Fossa spotkanie online Zobacz więcej → 12 maja 2023 r. 12:00 prof ... UCSC Michele Antonio Lopez spotkanie online Zobacz więcej → 11 maja 2023 r. 9:00 Prof. ... Mozołowskiego, Collegium Biomedicum spotkanie będzie transmitowane online Zobacz więcej → 20 ... Mary Codd spotkanie online Zobacz więcej → 17 kwietnia 2023 r. 17:00 Prof. ... Richard Jason Whitt spotkanie online Zobacz więcej → 3 marca 2023 r. 9:00-12:00 Prof.

6-year Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Start / ENTRANCE EXAMS / 6-year Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

Please check at least one day before the exam if your device allows simultaneous transmission of information ... Interview The guidelines on interview include, the following: • interview to be administered online ... Estimate time for interview 20 minutes per candidate; • the interview will be entirely conducted online ... • interview is conducted via ZOOM with the Admission Committee members (if interview is conducted at ... the same day as written part link to the ZOOM meeting for interview is the same, if interview is at

Projekt pomocy psychologicznej dla studentów
Start / Ogłoszenia / Projekt pomocy psychologicznej dla studentów

Osoby zakwalifikowane do badania, będą miały możliwość skorzystać z darmowych programów terapeutycznych online ... mogli skorzystać (w zależności od grupy) z: – 6 tygodniowego, darmowego programu terapeutycznego online ... terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej; – 6 tygodniowego, darmowego treningu progresywnej relaksacji mięśni online

Bogdan Jaremin, Kinga Szymańska, Katarzyna Chełmińska: Diabetes and work at sea: has everything been
Start / 2005 / Bogdan Jaremin, Kinga Szymańska, Katarzyna Chełmińska: Diabetes and work at sea: has everything been already settled? Article for discussion

According to the current regulations, persons treated with insulin are not admitted to work at sea, and ... this in mind, a question arises whether the binding regulations on the fitness of diabetics for work at ... Key words: Work at sea, diabetes and its hazards, legislative regulations The main goal set by the ... authors of this paper is to discuss fitness of seamen having diabetes for the work at sea. ... At the same time, the progress in modern methods of diabetes control and management allow diabetics to

Students' organizations
Start / Support during your stay / Students' organizations

take care of Erasmus incoming students through the Tutor Program from the beginning of their studies at ... history, associating students and coordinating their activities within the Student Scientific Clubs at ... Medicine (aka “Polish Division”) students • Working together to gain the most of our time and education here ... various events organized by the University Students Government and student organizations operating at ... preclinical studies, admin tasks, and easing transitioning into university life here at Gdansk.

Guidelines for Effective Recruitment
Start / First MUG Doctoral School / Guidelines for Effective Recruitment

Prepare Documents in Advance: Make sure all required documents are ready for submission before online ... This will help avoid the rush and stress of completing them at the last minute. ... You can use annotations at the top of the page or sticky notes to indicate which point of the scoring

Admission steps
Start / Admission steps

Courses for University study in English Study in Polish for foreigners Online ... registration system Create an account and apply for without leaving home With the online registration ... Check out the practical tips on online registration.

Diverse & Equal - Planned actions & events / Webinars & lectures completed
Start / Diverse & Equal - Stage 2 - Culture of Respect / Diverse & Equal - Planned actions & events / Webinars & lectures completed

Respect” entitled Różni i Równi / Diverse and Equal and dedicated to equality, are webinars and lectures online ... with the SKN Komunikacji Medycznej/SKN Medical Communication, will take place on 15 March this year at ... 18:00 online via the Zoom platform. ... specialist in general surgery, bariatric surgeon, initiator of the establishment, and member of the Team at

Start / REKRUTACJA / Dokumenty

REKRUTACJA ONLINE SZANOWNI PAŃSTWO, CENA PROMOCYJNA ZA STUDIA PODYPLOMOWE WYNOSI 1450 ZŁOTYCH ... numer rachunku bankowego 96 2490 0005 0000 4600 5530 2763 Alior Bank Prosimy po zgłoszeniu online

Dr Gadget shop
Start / Dr Gadget shop

You can now order your favourite itemas via our brand new online store. ... Domestic deliveries only Visit our online shop → Check our offer in English (pdf

Laureaci i finaliści olimpiad przedmiotowych i konkursów
Start / Laureaci i finaliści olimpiad przedmiotowych i konkursów

konto kandydata na studia w GUMed i dodaj w systemie rekrutacji online plik ze swoim zdjęciem. ... ETAP I: Załóż online konto kandydata na studia w GUMed i dodaj w systemie rekrutacji online plik ze swoim ... Dodaj do systemu rekrutacji online plik ze swoim zdjęciem. ... dla wybranych studiów, a. sprawdź wprowadzone dane i zapisz wypełnione PODANIE ONLINE w bazie, b ... Ewentualne “PROBLEMY TECHNICZNO-KOMPUTEROWE” z rejestracją za pośrednictwem systemu rekrutacji online

IA Guest teaching events
Start / Get involved / IA Guest teaching events

International Alumni to participate in Guest Teaching Events, either through live lectures and seminars here ... processed for purposes related to contacting you in conjunction with implementation of measures aimed at ... of your personal data or restriction of processing; You are authorized to revoke your consent at

Social Events
Start / Social Events

U-boots were manufactured here before World War II, but later the it has been used for peaceful purposes

Modern hospital complex
Start / Patient / Modern hospital complex

Each has at least 10 beds. 311 patients can be hospitalized in the Centre at the same time, occupying ... At the ends of each of the three wings, public rooms for patients have been located, from which there ... They enable free communication between the individual levels of the building, and at the same time they ... It is here that patients have access to innovative treatment methods and medical equipment at the highest ... It can accommodate 700 patients at a time.

Szkolenia w zakresie badań klinicznych
Start / Szkolenia w zakresie badań klinicznych

Moduł podstawowy – Badania kliniczne – organizacja i zarządzanie Terminy szkolenia: online ...   online 2-4 października 2020 r. ...   online 6-8 listopada 2020 r.   online 14-16 maja 2021 r. ... odwołane online 15-17 października 2021 r.

OKN „Farmacja weterynaryjna – rola farmaceuty w świecie leków przeznaczonych dla zwierząt”
Start / OKN „Farmacja weterynaryjna – rola farmaceuty w świecie leków przeznaczonych dla zwierząt”

weterynaryjna – rola farmaceuty w świecie leków przeznaczonych dla zwierząt” Wydarzenie online ... Wydarzenie będzie nadawane poprzez transmisję online, podczas której prelegenci odpowiedzą również na ... Zapraszamy do rejestracji i udziału w wydarzeniu online.

Diverse&Equal - University debates
Start / Diverse & Equal - Stage 2 - Culture of Respect / Diverse&Equal - University debates

Four thematic debates are planned, two at each university. ... the debate date The panelists’ photos and more detail biographical notes are provided here ... The event will take place on 6th of June 2023 at 4 p.m. in Auditorium Primum, Prof. ... Olgierd Narkiewicz Memorial Hall at Atheneum Gedanense Novum GUMed (al. ... If possible, translation to Polish Sign Language will be added at a later date.