NeuroGDA is an initiative to bring together and foster collaboration between people doing research in all areas of neuroscience within the Tricity area. Our plan is to establish a series of monthly seminars where people could present their work, meet colleagues from different departments and institutions, network and share ideas.
What’s the format?
We intend to organise one in-person meeting per month. The meeting would start with one or two talks, presenting research by individuals or groups. This would be followed by an informal part, with time to mingle and network. Everybody is encouraged to present – if you would like to have a talk at NeuroGDA, please book a date with the organisers. The seminars will be held in English to include the growing international community of researchers and trainees.
What’s the scope?
Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary endeavour, bringing together researchers from biology, medicine, psychology, physics, computational sciences, AI and more. Society for Neuroscience (SfN) meetings are a great example of this interdisciplinary approach. If your work fits into one of SfN Themes and Topics, it is also within the scope of NeuroGDA.
Who’s invited?
Everyone is invited! The seminars are open to the public. That being said, we wish for these meetings to be most useful to working scientists, so the talks would necessarily be more technical (similarly to scientific conferences).
Who’s behind it?
The idea for NeuroGDA came from a discussion between Ola Rutkowska and Krzysztof Basiński at the Medical University of Gdańsk. However, we would gladly share the organisational burden with other people. If you wish to help us out (especially if you’re at another university), feel free to contact us!
First meeting – agenda
Introduction by the organisers
Lab presentation – Michał Kucewicz, Brain and Mind Electrophysiology Laboratory, Gdańsk Tech
Informal discussion
Dr. Michal Kucewicz is the founder of the Brain & Mind Electrophysiology (BME) lab at the BioTechMed Center of the Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. BME lab focuses on studying the brain activities underlying memory and higher cognitive functions with technologies for intracranial multi-electrode recordings and stimulation mainly in epilepsy patients. The goal of this research is to discover the electrophysiological substrates of engrams and the human mind to develop neuromodulation therapies for restoring these in epilepsy, dementias, psychiatric and other brain diseases.