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Academic year 2024/2025 officially started


Vacations are just a pleasant memory now, and it’s time to return to the university walls and study. The new academic year at the Olgierd Narkiewicz Auditorum Primum officially began at the Medical University of Gdańsk. The ceremony, which traditionally took place on October 8, was attended by many guests, representatives of the Senate, Faculty Councils, staff, students and doctoral students. Among those present were Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Health Marek Kos, social advisor to President Andrzej Duda Piotr Karczewski, Pomeranian Vice- Voivode Anna Olkowska-Jacyno, MPs Jarosław Wałęsa and Wioletta Tomczak and Deputy Mayor of Gdańsk Monika Chabior.

The first to speak was Rector Professor Michal Markuszewski, for whom this was his debut in this role during the inauguration of the academic year. The professor touched on many themes during his speech, but it was the word “development” that stood out – I would like us to enable every committed disciple, doctoral student, student, opportunities for development. I want the MUG to be a place where everyone is valued, where the building of lasting relationships occurs. Our university is a unique place. Every student and doctoral student is a valuable entity in our community. To succeed, you will have to give your best. Dear Students, Doctoral Students – not everyone has to become a serial Dr. House. You don’t have to be innovators, revolutionaries, but have the courage to fight for a better future. You don’t have to devote all your time to the University, find time for your family, yourselves. Above all – be good people, and I sincerely wish you that.


Then, on behalf of President Andrzej Duda, his advisor, Piotr Karczewski, spoke. – The state of Polish science, the professionalism of the academic staff, is not only in their own interest, but is in the interest of all of us. Systemic support, and promotion of science in the world. Science is a warrant. Science is an asset of the state. Polish science is strong and needs development. It is a beautiful and joyful moment when hundreds of thousands of young Poles take up studies every year. I proudly welcome the successes of students and young scientists who gain recognition for their discoveries, but also for Polish science.

At the rostrum also appeared Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Marek Kos, who spoke on behalf of Minister Izabela Leszczyna. – The inauguration of the academic year is a special event for the university, the lecturers and especially the students. On this solemn day, it is worth mentioning that the MUG is a leading medical university. Last year it had 1200 graduates, well prepared, supporting the needs of the Polish health system.

Monika Chabior – Vice President of Gdansk – also spared no compliments to the Medical University of Gdansk. Thank you for being so open to sharing your observations and knowledge. Thank you for your commitment to the mental health program. I hope that this year will bring you many great scientific achievements, and that our wonderful university will continue to grow.

Among the academic community of the MUG, first-year students were solemnly welcomed by Prof. Ph.D. Aleksandra Gaworska-Krzeminska, vice-rector for student affairs. The deans of the various faculties presented the students with congratulatory letters, while the Rector, Prof. Michał Markuszewski, belted them and accepted them as students of our University. The oath of doctoral students, attended by Prof. Jacek Witkowski, director of the First Doctoral School of the MUG, was conducted in a similar manner. A few words to the younger colleagues were also addressed by Alicja Szmidka, a graduate student in health psychology, and vice-chairman of the Doctoral Student Government, Dr. Tomasz Michalski.

During the inauguration, the Roman Kaliszan Award and Medal were presented. This year, the award went to Prof. Maria Pokorska-Śpiewak of the Warsaw Medical University for her innovative therapeutic program for children with hepatitis C. Thanks to it, more than 150 children have fully recovered. – I am extremely happy and touched to participate in such a beautiful ceremony. The point of this award is this – we reward scientific work that serves the purpose of helping patients better. To treat better, to diagnose them better.

Prizes and awards were also given to four graduates with the title of Primus Inter Pares for exceptional achievements in science. They are:

  • Dominika Komandera, a graduate in medical and dental studies
  • Alicja Szmidka, a graduate in health psychology
  • Marcin Banacki, a graduate of biotechnology
  • Aleksandra Drzycimska, a graduate in medical analytics.

The Medical University of Gdansk also welcomed doctoral students. They were represented by

  • Nina Kimilu, discipline of health sciences
  • Marcin Banacki, discipline of pharmaceutical sciences
  • Jakub Radziwon, discipline of medical sciences.

The inauguration of the 2024/2025 academic year was concluded with a lecture by Prof. Witold Rzyman, head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery. The topic was MULTIPREVENT, that is, lung cancer and its friends.

The Choir of the Medical University of Gdansk took care of the musical setting of the ceremony. The ceremony was broadcast on the university’s YouTube channel.

Photo Paweł Sudara/MUG