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Our University obtained HRS4R certification


The Medical University of Gdańsk has been awarded the HR Strategy for Researchers and the HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R) symbol. The certificate is awarded to scientific institutions that, by their actions, care for research staff and provide them with the best development conditions in the European Union. The European Commission’s distinction was awarded on 30 August 2024.

Prof. Michał Markuszewski, Rektor of the MUG
Prof. Michał Markuszewski, Rektor of the MUG

As emphasised by Prof. Michał Markuszewski, Rector of the MUG, the award shows that an external institution has recognised the priority that the MUG places on caring for its employees, including specifically academic teachers and researchers.

It is important to remember that quality requires a long-term approach and is a process that obliges the University to monitor the implementation of its strategy in this area continuously and to take corrective measuresRector Markuszewski noted. – However, I am convinced that the HR Excellence in Research certification, which was initiated by my predecessor, Rector Prof. Marcin Gruchała, will build our position and international recognition and, in the long run, will definitely improve our functioning as an academic community.

The HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) was created to support research institutions in implementing the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers into their daily practices and internal policies. Implementing the strategy translates into an increase in the level of daily work, comfort, and development of the scientific community, as well as improved working conditions at the MUG.

The European Commission awards institutions with the HR Excellence in Research distinction as part of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers – HRS4R aimed at enhancing the attractiveness of working conditions, career development, mobility, as well as substantive and financial support for research projects and having transparent recruitment processes – explained Olga Hofman, Head of the Administration Department for the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Program and member of the HRS4R Implementation Team. – Institutions implementing the Strategy, adhering to the principles and guidelines of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, can apply for this prestigious award.

The aim of the HRS4R certification is to continuously improve the working conditions and development path of researchers, as well as to facilitate the recruitment process in research centres. Receipt of the award involves regular assessment of progress in implementing the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct and adherence to the principles set out in the documents.

Olga Hofman
Olga Hofman

The award of HR Excellence in Research is at the same time an acknowledgment of the MUG’s activities implemented in support of its human resources policy strategy, as well as an obligation for the University to continue its efforts to make the professional development and recruitment processes of researchers more attractive.

For the Medical University of Gdańsk, receiving the distinction means both taking the improvement actions planned in the so-called action plan and being open to cooperation with the scientific community to jointly build a coherent and realistic HR policy strategy – commented Olga Hofman.

Employees of many units of the Medical University of Gdańsk worked on the certification.

I would like to sincerely thank all members of our team whose daily work and commitment contributed to this success. Together, we are building an institution that not only educates future leaders in medicine, but also conducts research at the highest global level – added Prof. Markuszewski.

Detailed information about the activities of HRS4R in the MUG is available on the website of the Office for Science and on the website of the European Commission.