StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2023/2024New authorities of the Medi...

New authorities of the Medical University of Gdańsk begin their term


We have just concluded the ceremonial Senate meeting for the 2020-2024 and 2024-2028 terms. Starting 2nd September, the University is under the leadership of a new rector’s board headed by Prof. Michał Markuszewski. There are three women and two men among the vice-rectors; interestingly, all the men in the board share the first name – Michał.

The ceremonial meeting of the Senate of both terms is a tradition at our University. On this special day, momentous for the entire academic community, the insignia are ceremoniously handed over to the new authorities, and the newly elected rector takes the oath.

The event began with expressions of gratitude to the members of the rector’s board, the Senate, and the University Council for the 2020-2024 and 2024-2028 terms. Outgoing rector Prof. Marcin Gruchała emphasised the importance of the support and trust of the Senators in his speech. – The Senate deliberated on many difficult decisions, and the wisdom and prudence that emerged from it were very important to me – said Prof. Marcin Gruchała. – I would also like to thank the members of the University Council for their life wisdom and judgment in assessing situations, as well as for representing MUG as its ambassadors. I wish the new Rector, the new rector’s board, and the Senate beginning their term every success.


Each vice-rector from the past term received a diploma of appreciation and a symbolic rose. This included Prof. Tomasz Bączek, vice-rector for science during 2012-2016 and 2016-2020 terms; Prof. Jacek Bigda, vice-rector for development and educational organisation during 2016-2020 and 2020-2024 terms, who has also served as acting chancellor since 1st April 2022; Prof. Michał Markuszewski, vice-rector for science during 2020-2024 term; Dr. Habil Tomasz Smiatacz, vice-rector for student affairs during 2016-2020 and 2020-2024 terms; Prof. Edyta Szurowska, vice-rector for clinical affairs during 2016-2020 and 2020-2024 terms; and Prof. Agnieszka Zimmermann, vice-rector for quality of education during 2020-2024 term.

Next, on behalf of the outgoing rector’s board, Prof. Edyta Szurowska spoke, expressing her gratitude to rector Prof. Marcin Gruchała for their cooperation. – As a representative of the vice-rectors of the two past terms, I would first like to thank the Rector for the trust he placed in us by inviting us to close cooperation and assigning us tasks that were not always easy in the areas of science, teaching, student affairs, and clinical activities – said Prof. Edyta Szurowska. – We all made every effort to fulfil these tasks to the best of our abilities, operating in a reality which, especially in recent years, surprised us with unexpected challenges and events.

In the next part of the event, incoming rector Prof. Michał Markuszewski took the floor, emphasising the need for collective effort to advance the University.

Today’s meeting symbolises not only the transfer of responsibility but also the continuity of the mission which we all carry out together in the service of science, medicine, and society. I would like to express my deep gratitude to my predecessor, Prof. Marcin Gruchała, and the outgoing Senate members for their tireless work, wise decisions, and dedication – said Prof. Michał Markuszewski, the rector-elect. – Our University faces many changes in science, education, and work organisation. I believe that together with the new Senate, we will be able to meet these challenges, working in an atmosphere of cooperation, trust, and openness. Together, we can achieve great things.


Following Prof. Edyta Szurowska’s speech, Prof. Wiesław Cubała, chairman of the Electoral College, read the protocol from the rector’s election held on 24th April 2024. Subsequently, rector Prof. Michał Markuszewski took the oath, pledging, among other things, to act with justice, impartiality, tolerance, and above all, truth in decision-making, without which science and education have no foundation.

After the oath, outgoing rector Prof. Marcin Gruchała symbolically handed over the insignia of authority to rector Prof. Michał Markuszewski, who then presented appointments to the authorities for the 2024-2028 term:

  • Prof. Aleksandra Gaworska-Krzemińska – vice-rector for student affairs
  • Dr. Habil. Michał Hoffmann – vice-rector for clinical affairs
  • Prof. Agnieszka Zimmermann – vice-rector for education
  • Prof. Michał Żmijewski – vice-rector for science
  • Acting chancellor – Prof. Jacek Bigda

Prof. Anna Żaczek, though absent from the ceremony, is also among the newly appointed vice-rectors – as the vice-rector for development and cooperation.

After the official part of the event, the first meeting of the Senate for the 2024-2028 term took place.

Photos Paweł Sudara/MUG