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Long live science! Opening ceremony of the academic year 2024/2025

Representatives of Pomeranian universities, local government authorities, doctoral and student communities will once again walk with the orchestra in the heart of Gdańsk, along Długa Street – this year’s ceremonial opening of the academic year is planned on October 5th at 11 am.

A colorful march accompanied by musicians and the sounds of carillons will be a symbol of integration and unity of the academic community, a celebration of common values and goals for science and higher education in our region.


  • 10.15-10.50 – setting up participants at the Golden Gate
  • 11.00-11.30 – start of the parade and march along Długa Str.
  • 11:30-12:15 – speeches (Chairman of the Assembly of the Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk, local government, students and phD students)

A summary of last year’s parade is available in the video below.

Time and place:



Golden Gate, Długa Street