StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2023/2024Awarded by Polish Academy o...

Awarded by Polish Academy of Sciences


Wojciech Nazar, Ph.D., 6th year medical student of the Medical University of Gdańsk has been honourde with the Dr Wacław Mayzel Medical Laurel (Laur Medyczny im. Doktora Wacława Mayzla) awarded by the V. Faculty od Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Polska Akademia Nauk) for the students working in the field of science. The award has been granted for the cycle of 3 works entitled Analysis of changes in social awareness regarding air pollution in Poland in 2016-2022, taking into account the period of the COVID-19 pandemic (Analiza zmian świadomości społecznej dotyczącej zanieczyszczenia powietrza w Polsce w latach 2016-2022 z uwzględnieniem okresu pandemii COVID-19). The diplomas have been handed in on 14th of December 2023 in Warsaw.


from the left: Prof. Dr. Habil. Marek Krawczyk, Dean of the V. Faculty od Medical Sciences of the PAS and Wojciech Nazar, Ph.D.

The supervisor of Wojciech Nazar’s doctoral thesis is Prof. Marek Niedoszytko, Head of the Division of Allergology of the Medical University of Gdańsk. The young researcher can boast of significant scientific achievements. He is the co-author of four original papers, four review papers and one report presented at the national meeting. The topics of research projects include primarily the analysis of public awareness of air pollution in Poland and the exploration of changes in Poles’ behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, he is a scholarship holder of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Poland and the German Academic Exchange Service. This year, he completed scientific and clinical internships in the field of cardiology in Magdeburg and Leipzig, which were financed by ERASMUS+ scholarships. He received the Rector’s Scholarship of the Medical University of Gdańsk for the best students three times. He also received the individual MUG’s Rector’s Award for his entire scientific and social activity.

Dr Wacław Mayzel Medical Laurel Award has been given since 1999 year for highly rated research publication written by students before graduation. This research paper has to be published in scientific journal while working on it must not be connected with formal requirements of studies.

photos from the private archive and PAS