StartUniversityCalendar of eventsProfessor Ewa Silver – open...

Professor Ewa Silver – open lectures

The Institute of Nursing and Midwifery of the MUG invites you to an open lectures by Professor Eve Silver from East Carolina University, Greenville, USA, which will take place on 11 and 13 December 2023 in an online format. The event is intended for both students and staff of the MUG. Students wishing to attend the lectures are required to sign up. Registration is available at:

The proposed lectures are part of MUG’s broader efforts to raise awareness of multiculturalism and the Kultura Szacunku/Culture of Respect campaign entitled Different and Equal. They are aimed at all students from different countries, ethnic groups, cultures and language areas. Their topics will focus on the main causes and periods of piracy and its role in shaping societies politically, economically and culturally.

Topics of the meetings

I. The New World Meets the Old World- Cultural Exchange, 11.12.2023 – This lecture will examine the origin and the role of the “Age of Discovery” in creating global connections and cultural exchange, focussing on events and conflicts that led to profound changes in societies, economies, and cultures in the Old and the New Worlds.

II. Maritime Piracy Across the Ages and its Cultural Consequences, 13.12.2023 –This lecture will introduce the history of piracy from ancient times in the Mediterranean Sea, through the Golden Age of piracy in the Caribbean Sea, and its impact on different regions of the world. This discussion will focus on major causes and periods of piracy and its role in shaping societies politically, economically, and culturally.

Prof. Ewa Silver
Prof. Ewa Silver

Speaker’s profile

Prof. Ewa Silver holds an M.A. in Underwater Archaeology and a Ph.D. in Coastal Resources Management with a concentration in maritime history. She has worked on many underwater archaeological sites in Europe and in the US, ranging from early medieval to modern times. Her past research projects focused on finding solutions to protect submerged historical resources. Prof. Silver has worked with NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries on analyzing the effectiveness of management strategies used to protect shipwrecks and underwater resources. She is currently teaching at the East Carolina University in Greenville NC and her interests involve historical research on human exploration of the oceans, with a special focus on the Atlantic World.


The initiative is implemented under the project POWER.03.05.00-22-Z082/18.

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