In mid-January 2023. The MUG again hosted high school students. This time, high school students had the opportunity to look at topics such as skin cancer, nutritional treatment, and health policy.
Dr. Habil. Michał Sobjanek during a lecture at the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology
January’s classes consisted of two blocks. The first was prepared by a team from the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology: Dr. Habil. Michał Sobjanek, Martyna Sławińska, Ph.D. and Jakub Zolkiewicz. M.D. The students were introduced to the topic of skin cancer and learned the general principles of its diagnosis. Then they took part in the practical part, during which they could learn about interesting clinical cases, modern skin imaging techniques such as reflective confocal microscopy, and the secrets of dermatoscopic examinations. These types of classes, participants say, are the most interesting, because through them you can remember and understand more.
Jakub Zolkiewicz. M.D. in the confocal dermoscopy laboratory
The meeting with staff from the Department of Paediatrics, Gastroenterology, Allergology & Paediatric Nutrition was devoted to various aspects of the health and care of pediatric patients. Agnieszka Zagierska, Ph.D. began it by introducing the students to the challenges that specialists face in the case of various disorders and conditions that prevent conventional nutrition. She then presented the possibilities of modern medicine that allow patients fed enteral or intravenous nutrition to function at home. Next, Magdalena Dettlaff-Dunowska, M.D. presented interesting facts about pediatric endoscopy and introduced the participants to the principles of equipment used in this type of diagnosis and treatment. The meeting ended with a class led by Dr. Habil. Michał Brzeziński, during which participants considered what can be done to deal with the “hardest” problem of children and adolescents – obesity.
Participants of the meeting in front of the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology
photo Agnieszka Anielska/MUG