StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2022/2023Success of MUG's students a...

Success of MUG's students at a nationwide conference


Katarzyna Połomska
Katarzyna Połomska

Medical students of the Medical University of Gdańsk successfully attended the in the 3rd edition of the National Conference of Students of Medical Universities Medical Knowledge Fair (Medyczne Targi Wiedzy), which took place from 13th to 14th of January 2023 in Kraków

Katarzyna Połomska (3rd year) has won in session Lekarski zabiegowy with the original work Terapia podciśnieniowa ran w zapobieganiu infekcji miejsca operowanego po doraźnej laparotomii (Negative pressure wound therapy for the prevention of surgical site infection after emergency laparotomy). Scientific supervisor of awarded publication was Piotr Spychalski, Ph.D. from the Division of General, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery of the MUG.

In session Case Report I 1st place took Agata Jarosz (5th year), Vice-President of the SSC by the Division of Allergology. Work entitled Trudności diagnostyczne mastocytozy: postać indolentna, agresywna, różnicowanie z nowotworami neuroendokrynnymi – opis przypadku (Diagnostic difficulties of mastocytosis: indolent, aggressive form, differentiation from neuroendocrine tumors – a case report), which paid special attention to problems present during the diagnosis of mastocytosis and classification of its type was prepared under the care of specialists from the Division of Allergology: Unit’s Head Prof. Marek Niedoszytko and Jan Romantowski, Ph.D.

Agata Jarosz
Agata Jarosz

Symptoms of systemic mastocytosis may resemble carcinoid syndrome. The indolent type of systemic mastocytosis has a good prognosis, however, it should be remembered that in a few cases it may progress to a more advanced form – explains Agata Jarosz. – To recognize an aggressive form of the disease, at least one of the so-called symptoms C – neutropenia, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, splenomegaly and hypersplenism, hepatomegaly with impaired function and ascites, osteolytic lesions or pathological fractures, or malabsorption with weight loss.

The second of the presentations presented by the Laureate was entitled Reakcja anafilaktyczna po jodowym środku kontrastowym i leku znieczulającym miejscowo. Postępowanie diagnostyczne – opis przypadku (Anaphylactic reaction after iodine contrast agent and local anesthetic. Diagnostic procedure – case report). The work supervisors were Iwona Damps-Konstańska, Ph.D. and Jan Romantowski, Ph.D. from the Division of Allergology.

The day after the announcement of the results, an award ceremony was held, combined with another presentation of the winning works in the historic building of Collegium Novum of the Jagiellonian University. In addition, medical students Anna Bocheńska (4th year) and Maria Renke (5th year) as representatives of IFMSA-Poland Gdańsk Branch and SSC of the MUG took part in a discussion forum of student medical organizations. The aim of the conference was to familiarize students with scientific activity in the theoretical and practical dimension and to illustrate the importance of the interdisciplinary dimension of science in medical professions.

As part of the event in March and April 2023, Participants will be able to take part in a series of webinars in the form of discussions and meetings with healthcare practitioners. In addition, students were also prepared 12 workshops on writing a scientific paper (through case reports, review papers and meta-analysis).

photos from the private archive