StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2022/2023Awarded by the Polish Acade...

Awarded by the Polish Academy of Sciences



Professor Jolanta Wierzba of the Division of Internal and Pediatric Nursing has been awarded the Jędrzej Śniadecki Medal for outstanding scientific, clinical, and organizational achievements, as well as in the popularization of science and medicine. This is the highest honor awarded by the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Professor Wierzba is the 32nd recipient of the award and the first Gdańsk citizen to be honored in this way by the Polish Academy of Sciences.

At a ceremony held on December 15, 2022, in Warsaw, the Dr. Waclaw Mayzel Medical Laurel was awarded to fourth-year students of the Medical Faculty of the Medical University of Gdańsk – Karolina Polewska, Piotr Tylicki, Aleksander Och. The honorable mention was awarded to the students for a series of four publications on the course, complications, and prevention of COVID-19 disease in chronically hemodialyzed patients.

The Jędrzej Śniadecki Medal was established in 1997. This prestigious award is given for commitment to the development of medical science, outstanding research results, and popularization of science and medicine.

Dr. Waclaw Mayzel Medical Laurel has been awarded since 1999 for a highly regarded scientific paper prepared before obtaining a graduate degree. Such work must be published in a scientific journal, and its execution must not be related to the formal requirements of the degree program.

Fot. Piotr Tylicki