StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2021/2022Organisational changes at t...

Organisational changes at the MUG


The beginning of April brings an array of significant changes regarding the functioning of our University. After almost two decades, the chancellor Marek Langowski, leaves current position. Despite reaching the retirement age, he is not saying goodbye to the University – with his knowledge and experience, he will be still supporting us as the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Investments. Starting from 1 April this year, the acting chancellor will be prof. Jacek Bigda, Vice-Rector for Development and Education, first deputy of the Rector. Prof. Bigda is an experienced employee in the administration sector of the University. Since 2016, he has been the vice-rector for development and education. Previously, he entered the position of the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for strategic matters and international cooperation, as well as the Dean and Vice-Dean of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology.

The supervision of the quality of teaching, now within the responsibility of the vice-rector for development and education will be handed to dr hab. Agnieszka Zimmermann, MUG prof. – new vice-rector for the quality of teaching – effective 1 April this year. Prof. Zimmermann has been the vice-dean for the quality of teaching and vocational practice at the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Rector’s Plenipotentiary for the quality of teaching.

Dr. Habil. Magdalena Błażek, Assoc. Prof., acting head of the Department of Psychology, head of the MUG’s Division of Quality of Life Research was appointed the deputy dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences with the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine responsible for the quality of education and student teaching on 1st of April 2022.


From the left: Marek Langowski, prof. Jacek Bigda, prof. Agnieszka Zimmermann, prof. Magdalena Błażek

photo: Paweł Sudara, Zbigniew Wszeborowski/MUG