StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2021/2022NCN grant for Aleksandra Ma...

NCN grant for Aleksandra Markiewicz, Ph.D.


Aleksandra Markiewicz, Ph.D. from the Division of Translational Oncology of the MUG has received funding from the National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN) for the project entitled Genomic profiling of circulating markers and paired primary tumors from breast cancer patients for the amount of PLN 1,154,743 in the OPUS 20 + LAP competition, joining the previous winners of the OPUS 20 competition from our University. Financing under the LAP formula was received by 30 projects for a total amount of over PLN 41,2 million.

Aleksandra Markiewicz Ph.D., photo by UG

Aleksandra Markiewicz, Ph.D., photo by UG

The Lead Agency Procedure (LAP) is the new application assessment standard used by European science funding institutions. Its purpose is to facilitate international research teams applying for funds for the implementation of joint research projects and to improve the process of evaluation of applications by research funding institutions. Dr Markiewicz’s project will be implemented in cooperation with the University of Regensburg (Germany).

The aim of the study is to assess the possibility of using epithelial and mesenchymal single circulating tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA to monitor changes in clinically significant mutations in patients with systemic treatment with the use of deep sequencing technique. At the same time, variants in genes encoding enzymes that metabolize anti-cancer drugs that may affect the effectiveness of the administered drugs will be identified. The studies will allow for the simultaneous assessment of the importance of pharmacogenetic variants and genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity of the neoplasm on the results of treatment of patients with breast cancer. A more detailed description of the project is available on the Polish-language website of the National Science Centre.

Recruitment for the OPUS 22 + LAP / Weave competition is currently underway. More information is available on the Polish-language website of the MUG’s Office for Projects.