StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2021/2022Nurses honoured for their w...

Nurses honoured for their work for patients


Nurses from the University Clinical Centre and the Medical University of Gdańsk Beata Papiernik, Ph.D. and Anna Lignowska have been awarded with the President of Gdańsk Award (Nagroda Prezydenta Miasta Gdańska) for their outstanding achievements and special character of work for patient. The honours were given on 25th of October 2021 by Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, President of Gdańsk.

Beata Papiernik, Ph.D. honoured with 5 000 PLN financial award is a specialist in the field of neuropsychology and nurse with seniority of 25 years. She is a Head of the Care and Treatment Institution/Hospice of the UCC. She has also cooperated with social help centres i.e. by realizing projects of the Pomeranian Forum for the Getting out of Homelessness. The specialist also took part in the MOPR Gdańsk project Systematically to the goal (Systematycznie do celu) as a sick and mentally disturbed person’s assistant.

Honoured with non-financial distinction Anna Lignowska as a deputy director-in-chief for nursing and the chief nurse of the UCC, who can pride herself on 31 years of work experience. She participated in the launch of buffer wards and coordinated them from the beginning of the pandemic. In addition, she was involved in the launch of COVID-19 departments and the expansion of the Care and Treatment Facility at the UCC.

Awarded nurses, photo by Dominik Paszliński/www.gdań

Awarded nurses, photo by Dominik Paszliński/

For me, the nursing profession is the most beautiful one in the world. You have to be born in this profession, you have to live in it and you have to get to know it. You have to like people to look after them, that is my life motto. I like people very much and I like to help them. From this I derive an incredible benefit for myself – so mental, so heartfelt. It should stand next to me as such a foundation. Thank you very much for the fact that someone saw it and that someone appreciated it – said Anna Lignowska.

Over the last year, we have realized how close to each of us health protection is. There is probably no person who would not have to come into contact with people working in this profession during the pandemic. I am all the more glad that in Gdańsk we consistently reward people who not only fulfill their official duties, but also have a unique approach to the patient. I thank you with all my heart for this dedication to all the inhabitants of our city – emphasized Aleksandra Dulkiewicz.

The President of Gdańsk Award may be awarded to health care workers who, among others, have at least 5 years of work experience in health care units in Gdańsk, have authority among patients, constantly improve their professional qualifications and engage in the implementation of preventive programs financed by the Municipality of the City of Gdańsk or the National Health Fund. Applications may be submitted by medical facilities, groups of at least 15 patients and the Family and Social Policy Committee of the Gdańsk City Council. Financial awards were granted to 77 medics in total, of whom 7 in this year’s edition.