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Our University's Professors awarded by the PAS


Scientists from the Medical University of Gdańsk: Prof. Radosław Owczuk, Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care and Dr. Habil. Tomasz Smiatacz, Head of the Division of Infectious Diseases received on 15th of October 2021 the highest award of the Polish Academy of Sciences – the Nicolaus Copernicus’ Medals. In this way, the Professors have been honored for participation in the work of the interdisciplinary advisory team for COVID-19 affairs by the President of the PAS, as well as for preparing a compendium of knowledge about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and COVID-19 disease and for formulation of 21 statements regarding various aspects of COVID-19 pandemic.


Prof. Radosław Owczuk and Dr. Habil. Tomasz Smiatacz

Medal’s laureates sit on the Team since July 2020 and at the same time have functions of consultants in their fields of medicine: Prof. Radosław Owczuk is the national consultant in the field of anaesthesiology and intensive care, while Dr. Habil. Tomasz Smiatacz is the provincial consultant in the field of infectious diseases. The experts too part in Team’s sessions, participating in preparing a number of statements presented during the most important events concerning fight against COVID-19. The 13th. Statement is the only Polish document presented in the United Nations’ report regarding sustainable development and acitons necessary for ending the pandemic. The MUG’s specialists are also co-authors of publication Zrozumieć COVID-19. Opracowanie zespołu ds. COVID-19 przy Prezesie PAN (Understanding COVID-19. The elaboration of the team for COVID-19 affairs by the President of the PAS) which has been published in September 2020. The document presents cases and potential effects of discussed illness, both medical as well as economical and social.


diplomas of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Head of the Team is the President of the PAS Prof. Jerzy Duszyński, and the group of experts consists of – besides MUG’s scientists – Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, Dr. Habil. Magdalena Rosińska, Aneta Afelt, Ph.D., Dr. Habil. Anna Ochab-Marcinek, Wojciech Paczos, Ph.D. and Anna Plater-Zyberk, Ph.D.

The PAS’ Nicolaus Copernicus Medal of the PAS is the honour awarded by the Presidium of the institution since 1969 for researches distinguished for Polish scientific community, who aren’t members of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


Nicolaus Copernicus’ Medal of the PAS

Photo: Dr. Habil. Tomasz Smiatacz/MUG, Prof. M. Kossowska/JU