StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2020/2021Pharmacists and vets about ...

Pharmacists and vets about drugs for the animals


Over 2500 people from the whole Poland, including pharmacy and veterinary students, pharmacists, veterinary physicians, and scientific employees followed the Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Farmacja weterynaryjna – rola farmaceuty w świecie leków przeznaczonych dla zwierząt (Polish Scientific Conference Veterinary Pharmacy – the role of a pharmacist in the world of drugs for animals), which was held online from 29th to 30th of May 2021. The event was organised by pharmacy students from the Polish Pharmaceutical Students’ Association Gdańsk. Prof. Wojciech Kamysz, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the MUG assumed honorary patronage of the conference.

Conference Veterinary Pharmacy

The guests were welcomed by Prof. Michał Markuszewski, Vice-Rector for Science, on behalf of Prof. Marcin Gruchała, Rector of the MUG. Among lecturers discussing veterinary pharmacy issues, Agnieszka Fudecka from the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology with lecture Czym różni się wytwórnia leków dla ludzi od wytwórni leków weterynaryjnych? Spojrzenie regulatora oraz praktyka (What’s the difference between human and animal drugs factory? View of regulator and practitioner) represented our University. The remaining lectures concerned i.e. modern veterinary drugs, their production and registration as well as drug remains in food and antimicrobial substances abuse in veterinary medicine.

Participants of the conference emphasised the necessity of enrichment pharmacy and veterinary medicine studies programs with veterinary pharmaceutical information. They also mentioned the increasing importance of cooperation between representatives of these fields. Moreover, it was stated that increasing interest in animals’ health, drug resistance and related with that the necessity of searching new therapeutic substances make veterinary pharmacy constantly developing field of study with great potential.