StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2020/2021The best in international c...

The best in international competition


Pomorski model zintegrowanej opieki dla chorych na zaawansowaną POChP (Pomeranian model of integrated care for patients with advanced COPD) won the European edition of the prestigious international competition Value-Based Healthcare Dragon’s Grant & Endorsement, whose final took place on May 18th this year in the Netherlands. The event had a formula similar to a TV show, where entrepreneurs had to arouse the interest of potential investors in their idea in just a few minutes. During the competition, representatives of the UCC and the MUG: Iwona Damps-Konstańska, Ph.D., and Ewa Bandurska, Ph.D., presented a 2-minute pitch, first at The Lounge: Learn from the community, during which experts from around the world advised participants on how to develop their projects, and then during the semi-finals and finals.


In the picture from the left: Iwona Damps-Konstańska, Ph.D. and Ewa Bandurska, Ph.D.

The Pomeranian model of integrated care for patients with advanced COPD was introduced in 2010-2012 to reduce exacerbations and costs of care and improve the quality of life of patients with advanced COPD. The project is led by the Department of Allergy and Pneumonology at UCC, MUG clinical hospital with the participation of the Polish Society for Health Programmes and in collaboration with the Centre for Competence Development, Integrated Care, and eHealth, particularly in conducting cost-effectiveness analyses.


More information about the competition is available on the VBHC Center Europe website and the organisers’ social media.