StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2020/2021Ministry funding for studen...

Ministry funding for student's project


The project of Justyna Fercho, 6th year medicine student of the MUG Ocena zastosowania urządzeń mobilnych w monitorowaniu leczenia schorzeń kręgosłupa (Evaluation of use of mobile devices in monitoring spine diseases treatment) received 22 400 PLN funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the program Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje (Student scientific circles create innovations).

The project’s purpose is to create an innovational, easy-to-use, and cost-effective system that would be useful to monitor the condition of patients with pain of the lower and cervical spine, after conservative or surgical treatment of spinal diseases.

We use inertial sensors in static and dynamic measurements of spine, which enable low-cost, common, continuous monitoring of the musculoskeletal system and tracking of spine mechanical function. Current methods of malfunction caused by spinal pain are imperfect: they rely on using subjective questionnaires – explains Justyna Fercho. – Giving the patient an interactive tool that can be used on request, in any situation, theoretically it’s possible to gain a much more reliable set of data. Moreover, due to continuous ailments monitoring, we can almost immediately pick up a deterioration requiring urgent medical intervention.

The program’s main executor is Justyna Fercho from the Scientific Circle of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Research team’s members are also: Michał Krakowiak, M.D., Kamil Siedlecki, M.D., Tomasz Szmuda, M.D., Ph.D. from the Department of the Neurosurgery, unit’s Head Prof. Paweł Słoniewski and Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil. Grzegorz Miękisiak from the Opole University, as well as absent on the foto MUG students: Samuel Pettersson (1st year of medicine – ED) and Rami Yusser (2nd year of medicine).


On the photo from right: Prof. Paweł Słoniewski, Justyna Fercho, Tomasz Szmuda M.D., Ph.D., Michał Krakowiak M.D., Kamil Siedlecki M.D., Assoc. Prof. Dr Habil. Grzegorz Miękisiak from the OU.