StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2020/2021Meeting of MUG and GUT Doct...

Meeting of MUG and GUT Doctoral Schools' authorities


The Medical University of Gdańsk and the Gdańsk University of Technology as members of created in 2020 Daniel Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk work together on many fields. One of them is doctoral education conducted by the First Doctoral School of the MUG and the Doctoral School of the GUT. The first meeting of these unit’s authorities took place on 5th of May through the Teams platform. Its purpose was to lay down the principles of cooperation.

The meeting was attended by: Prof. Michał Mrozowski – Director of the Doctoral School of the GUT, Prof. Robert Jankowski – Deputy Director for Education, Quality and PQF, Prof. Maciej Bagiński – Deputy Director for Development and Internationalisation from the GUT, and Prof. Jacek. M. Witkowski – Director of the First MUG Doctoral School, Prof. Rafał Bartoszewski – Deputy Director of Discipline of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prof. Michał Pikuła – Deputy Director of Discipline of Medical Sciences, as well as representatives of both universities’ administration.

During the meeting, the principles of functioning and organisation of Doctoral Schools at both universities were presented and the challenges connected with the organisation of mid-term evaluation and internationalization of education, including the course of English-language education, which takes place at the Gdańsk University of Technology, were discussed. The issue of the possibility and necessity of cooperation between Schools under actions aiming to increase interdisciplinarity has been also raised. Moreover, next meetings concerning especially implementation doctorates and common grant applications aiming at increasing education quality. Close cooperation of both Doctoral Schools may allow not only the information and experience exchange but also lead to common applying for grants and taking part in programs supporting the activity of doctoral schools and scientific mobility of doctoral students.

photo: Paweł Sudara/MUG
