StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2020/2021Summary of II Student Confe...

Summary of II Student Conference of Palliative Medicine


Over 100 students and health care professionals took part in II Studencka Konferencja Medycyny Paliatywnej (II Student Conference of Palliative Medicine). The event took place on 13th March 2021 in the remote form on a Zoom platform. Its organisers were students of the Studenckie Koło Naukowe Onkologii i Radioterapii GUMed (Student Scientific Circle of the Oncology and Radiotherapy of the MUG). The committe has been chaired by Adrian Perdyan, 6th year medicine student. The event was held under the patronage of Rector of the MUG Professor Marcin Gruchała.

The participants had an opportunity to listen to the speeches of experts. The opening lecture Opieka paliatywna i wspierająca w Polsce – stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju (Palliative and supportive care in Poland – current state and development prospects) has been given by Professor Wojciech Leppert from the Poznań University of Medical Sciences, national consultant in the field of palliative medicine. Professor Krystyna de Walden-Gałuszko prepared a speech Stare i nowe zasady postępowania w opiece paliatywnej (Old and new rules of procedure of the palliative care), while Adherencja. Współpraca i współodpowiedzialność jako droga do skuteczności i sukcesu w opiece paliatywnej (Adherence. Co-work and co-responsibility as a way to efiiciency and success in the palliative care) – Anna Jochim-Labuda M.Sc., Head of st. Padre Pio’s Puck Hospice (Puckie Hospicjum pw. św. Ojca Pio.). During the event two sessions of student presentations were also conducted in which 11 students and doctoral students presented their research results, litereature reviews and clinical case studies. The speeches have been assessed by the jury consisting: Professor Wojciech Leppert, Jacek Rutkowski Ph.D. from the Department of Oncology & Radiotherapy of the MUG and Konrad Gądek M.D. from the Department of Oncology & Radiotherapy of the MUG. After lectures the participants could also take part in doctor-patient communication workshops held by experts from the Puck Hospice.

In the session of original research results and systematic reviews following prizes were awarded:

  • 1st place: Joanna Borowik (Medical University of Lublin): Co jest trudne w uczeniu się o umieraniu? – opinie studentów kierunku lekarskiego dotyczące wprowadzania momentu śmierci i umierania w symulacji medycznej (What is difficult in dying? – medical students’ opinions regarding implementing momentum of death and dying in medical simulation,
  • 2nd place: Adam Gędek (Medical University of Warsaw): Opinie studentów na temat przekazywania niepomyślnych informacji (Student’s opinions regarding communication of inauspicious information).

In the session of clinical case studes awarded respectively:

  • 1st place: Małgorzata Styczewska (Medical University of Gdańsk): Ponad 3-letnie przeżycie u chłopca z rozsianym naczyniakomięsakiem serca – cud czy wyjątkowa skuteczność terapii? (Over 3-years survival of boy with disseminated angiosarcoma of the heart – wonder or extraordinary efficient therapy?),
  • 2nd place: Oliwia Musielak (Medical University of Gdańsk): Zastosowanie brachyterapii w leczeniu gruczolakoraka brodawki Vatera – opis przypadku (Usage of brachytherapy in adenocarcinoma of the Vater papilla treatment – case study).
