StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2020/2021University free of discrimi...

University free of discrimination



Discrimination may be a serious problem in human relationships. What is it and how can we counteract it was told during a lecture University free of discrimination by Karolina Kędziora, legal counsel, President of the Polish Society of Antidiscrimination Law. The expert was telling, among others, about conditions which has to be fulfilled to call some behaviour as a discrimination. She also pointed legal acts which are a legal basis of definition of this situation and emhasised that discrimination is not only an action effecting other person, but also enhancing others to this attitude. The lecture inaugurated an information-educational campaign Culture of Respect in the MUG.

Culture of Respect is an initiative aiming to improve the quality of human relationships among members of society of the Medical University of Gdańsk. To reach that we will present values important for the MUG’s community and good practices in the field of cooperation, inclusion and respect for diversity. Our aim is to counteract discrimination and inappropriate treating by promotion of mutual understanding, respect and kindness. We also encourage you to send your ideas, comments or questions concerning the anti-discrimination campaign to the address