Rector's announcement


Rector prof. Marcin Gruchała, photo by Dariusz Giers
Rector prof. Marcin Gruchała, photo by Dariusz Giers

Dear Students!

Since new regulations have been established and Gdańsk has entered the red epidemic zone starting from 17th October this year, the organisation of education is changing at the MUG.

Classes will be conducted traditionally only in the last year of studies of the proper fields of study, cycles of study and forms of study, doctoral studies, postgraduate studies and other forms of education. Classes will be conducted according to previously established schedules. In the case of the remaining years of study what will be conducted are only those classes previously planned to be online. Practical classes and laboratories for those years of study will be realised in the earliest term possible.

Amid the rise of the numbers of SARS-CoV-2 positive cases in Poland and noted cases of learners and teachers in quarantine or infected at the MUG, instructions have been published on the university’s COVID-19 website They tell you how to act when infected, in quarantine or feeling sick possibly from SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Most of all wishing you good health,

Prof. Marcin Gruchała, M.D., Ph.D.

Rector of the MUG