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Where to take a test for COVID-19 in August




Registration and admission hours:

From the 1st of August the COVID-19 drive-thru UCC Test Center is open from:

Monday to Friday from 7.00-10.00 and on Sundays from 9.00-12.00. The Center is closed on Saturdays.

You can register by calling 58 727 05 05 (after calling the hotline, dial the extension number provided) from Monday to Friday from 7.00-14.00 and on weekends from 9.00-12.00.

Access and location

The center is located next to the Energa Gdańsk Stadium. The easiest way to get there is by turning from ul. Marynarki Polskiej in ul. Żaglowa, and then right after the Third Tax Office. For more directions about accessing the Stadium, go to Stadion Energa Gdańsk

COVID-19 WALK-THRU TEST CENTER, University of Gdańsk

Registration and admission hours:

Tests are performed after prior telephone registration. The registrars will qualify the patient for a free examination, based on the answers.

The MediMod test center at the University of Gdańsk is open from:

Monday to Friday from 11.00-14.00 and on Saturdays from 9.00-12.00. The Center is closed on Sundays.

You can register by calling 58 727 05 05 (after calling the hotline, dial the extension number provided) from Monday to Friday from 7.00 -14.00 and on weekends from 9.00-12.00.

Access and location

The center is located at the premise of the University of Gdańsk at ul. Jana Bażyńskiego 4 in Gdańsk (at the entrance gate next to the Faculty of Social Sciences).