StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2019/2020International publications ...

International publications of the Scientific Circle of Neurology and Neurosurgery at the MUG



Students from the Scientific Circle of Neurology and Neurosurgery at the MUG under the supervision of Ph.D. Tomasz Szmuda from the Department of Neurosurgery had published 19 articles in several biomedical journals (among others Reviews in Medical Virology IF: 4.221, Journal of Sleep Medicine IF: 3.038).

One of the Circle’s published studies on COVID-19 arouse interest of Prof. Roger Seheult from the UC Riverside School of Medicine, who runs a popular YouTube channel MedCram Medical Videos and Lectures. During one of his videos, the professor analyzes the research results presented by students of the MUG, from articles: YouTube as a Source of Patient Information for Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A Content-Quality and Audience Engagement Analysis.

The whole article is avaliable below.

YouTube as a source of patient information for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A content-quality and an audience engagement analysis. (1.09 MB)