The Medical University of Gdańsk, as a member of a research consortium, received funding under the Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in the Artificial Intelligence for Health Imaging grant competition. The international project entitled A European Cancer Image Platform Linked to Biological and Health Data for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine in Oncology, with the acronym EuCanImage, has Maciej Bobowicz, Ph.D. from the Department of Oncologic Surgery as its clinical leader. Maciej Bobowicz, Ph.D. is also a leader in all specific topics regarding colorectal cancer. All within the scope of this research endeavour. Notably, the project received the highest possible rating, i.e. 15 out of 15 points in terms of scientific excellence, for impact, quality and implementation possibilities.
The project aims to establish a European-wide platform encompassing over 25,000 clinical cases in the fields of breast, colorectal and liver cancer. Fully anonymized clinical data, radiological tests, genetic and molecular research data will be used to create new diagnostic and predictive models based on artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions. The study will be carried out at the following University’s units: 2nd Department of Radiology, Department of Oncologic Surgery, Department of General Surgery, Department of Oncology & Radiotherapy and Department of Pathomorphology. Five academic centres from Poland, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Lithuania as well as fifteen research institutions and companies from Europe and the United States are involved in the project. The University of Barcelona is the leader of the international design consortium. The total value of co-financing from the Horizon 2020 programme is almost EUR 10 million, of which the MUG will receive over 250,000 EUR for its operational activity.
EuCanImage is a sixth project realised under the agenda of the Horizon 2020 in which the MUG participates. For all who wish to apply for these prestigious grants please contact the Research Project Department for support and all additional information.