StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2019/2020Awards for the MUG students...

Awards for the MUG students at the Phi Delta Epsilon convention in Chicago



The Leadership Institute is an annual international convention of our Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity during which medical students from all 103 Fraternity Chapters located in 6 different countries are welcome to work on their professional development, leadership skills, to network and bond as PhiDE family over the weekend full of workshops and medtalks. Epsilon Theta is the name of the Fraternity Chapter which was officially established at the Medical University of Gdańsk almost a decade ago.

During the 2020 Phi Delta Epsilon Leadership Institute which took place in Chicago, Illinois from 24th till 26th of January the Medical University of Gdańsk was represented by Joanna Łukaszewska (5th year medical student) and Irene Kotwa (2nd year medical student). Our delegates were the only representatives from Poland and have shared a valuable experience of studying medicine at our University with the international medical community. Moreover, during the Chicago convention Epsilon Theta from Gdańsk received Chapter Excellence Award. This is a recognition of our Members’ outstanding work and passion that they put into Chapter activities during the year 2019. Furthermore, Juliana Orrego Castellianos (4th year medical student and our Chapter President of years 2018 and 2019) received the Shipley Glick Award For Outstanding Medical Member as honourable distinction out of the 35000 members of Phi Delta Epsilon fraternity. Certainly the MUG students from the Epsilon Theta live up to the Fraternity’s motto of acta non verba (deeds not words).