Over 200 students from all over the world participated in an international Orientation Week the MUG. Through the whole week (September 23rd-27th) they will take part in series of meetings which aim to bring the specifics of studying at our university and help them to settle in a foreign country and city. The group of our new students includes both students starting English-language studies in medicine, nursing, pharmacy and participants of international exchange, including under the Erasmus + program.
They travalled to Gdańsk from all over the world – Sweden, Norway, Germany, India, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malawi, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania and Great Britain. Students will be able to meet their colleagues from older years, get to know student organizations operating at the University and get useful information on visas, registration and health insurance required in our country. Orientation Week began with the introductory speeches by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Tomasz Smiatacz, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. and Narcyz Knap, Ph.D., supervisor of the 1st year of the English Division studies.
On September 27th (Friday) at the CSG Centrum Stocznia Gdańska venue an integration event was held during which 1000 new students from 13 Pomeranian universities had fun together. It took place as a part of the the “Study in Pomorskie” project.