StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2018/2019Special identification syst...

Special identification system for patients with mechanical cardiac support


Aleksandra Stańska - fot. Sylwia Mierzewska UCK
Aleksandra Stańska - fot. Sylwia Mierzewska UCK
fot. Sylwia Mierzewska UCK
fot. Sylwia Mierzewska UCK

The MUG’s Department of Cardiac Surgery and Vascular Surgery has developed an innovative system which helps identifying patients who are using mechanical heart support. Since November 2018, every patient with mechanical heart support has been equipped with a identification system with information in Polish and English: „PATIENT ON MECHANICAL CARDIOVASCULAR SUPPORT”. In addition to the wristband, the patient is equipped with a card containing the patient’s name and surname, PESEL number and emergency telephone numbers to the VAD coordinator. The card contains a flash drive with information about the system, instructions for use of the device and for dealing with life-threatening situations. The patient data file is password-protected.

Scientists from the MUG’s „Heart Team” of Department of Cardiac Surgery and Vascular Surgery participated in creating the concept: dr hab. Piotr Siondalski, M.D., Ph.D., Paweł Żelechowski, M.D., Ph.D., Magdalena Kołaczkowska, M.D., Ph.D., Maciej Duda, M.D., and VAD coordinators – Iwona Podgórska, Danuta Formella and Renata Łęcka.