Authorities of MUG about vaccinations

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2018/2019Authorities of MUG about va...

Authorities of MUG about vaccinations


The flu season has just started. Most effective way to avoid illness is vaccinations. They provide not only individual protection, but also so-called population resistance. University authorities are convinced of the effectiveness of vaccines. Rector prof. Marcin Gruchała, M.D., Ph.D. and Vice-Rector for Students’ Affairs Tomasz Smiatacz, M.D. Ph.D., Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Deputy Deans of the Faculty of Health Sciences prof. Piotr Lass, M.D., Ph.D., prof. Grzegorz Raczak, M.D., Ph.D., Head of Department of Cardiology&Electrotherapy and dr Krzysztof Chlebus, M.D., Ph.D., from the 1st Department of Cardiology decided to get vaccinated against influenza.

The authorities of MUG recommend the use of protective vaccination, in accordance with the indications resulting from medicine based on scientific evidence, current recommendations of medical scientific societies, as well as from the applicable law. Vaccination against influenza belongs to the list of recommended vaccinations.