Katarzyna Waligóra-Borek, Ph.D., Acting Director of Technology Transfer Centre of the Medical University of Gdańsk had a panel discution on cooperation between the MUG and start-ups on Venture Day on November 10, 2018. She presented possibilities and models of cooperation between start-ups and the MUG.
The Medical University of Gdańsk is expanding the innovation ecosystem through activities in the field of commercialization and implementation of new technologies. The Technology Transfer Centre and the university unit Medical Innovation Centre (Centrum Innowacji Medycznych) are involved in the activities. The Technology Transfer Centre implements a program dedicated to start-ups – EIT Health Regional Innovation Scheme Hub. The idea is to support entrepreneurship and to develop innovation in healthy lifestyle and active aging, as well as search for new opportunities and appropriate resources that will contribute to improvement quality of life throughout Europe.
Venture Day 2018 was the 6th annual conference for entrepreneurs, researchers, innovators, investors, start-ups and public administrators to share knowledge, experiences and best practices. The focus of this conference was on implementation, collaboration between public and private sectors, and the challenges facing commercialization of research. For the first time we were highlighting select disruptive technologies – artificial intelligence (AI), virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality, robotics (RPA) and their implementation in industries connected with Smart Specializations of Pomerania.
More information www.ventureday.pl.