The MUG’s students in Kenya

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2017/2018The MUG’s students in Kenya

The MUG’s students in Kenya


Students of the Medical University of Gdańsk take part in a project “Heart of Kenya”. Students of the fifth and sixth year at the Faculty of Medicine, MUG: Anna Piekarska, Grażyna Zweifler and Antoni Zdrojewski train local medical staff how to use Electrocardiography (ECG).

Polish students are impressed by medical staff in Kenya. Despite a huge work overload (there are often over 70 patients per one medical doctor), hospital employees often find time for their training, usually before work early in the morning or late in the evening. Thanks to this, students will be able to independently perform and interpret ECG tests.

The project is an initiative of the Treating with a Mission (Polish: Leczymy z Misją), an independent association aiming to provide developmental aid targeted at Kenyan Mission Hospitals by sending medical equipment and training the local hospital staff.

More about the project: