Nurses and midwifes attended their capping ceremony

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Nurses and midwifes attended their capping ceremony


The traditional capping ceremony for the graduates of the nursing and midwifery programmes of the MUG’s Faculty of Health Sciences took place on February 16, 2018.

White caps with a red stripe received 31 female students and 1 male student of the midwifery programme. The black striped caps were given to 62 female students and 6 nursing students.

The graduates, their families and friends, the MUG’s authorities and staff, as well as special guests gathered in the auditorium. Students wearing traditional clothing opened the ceremony by bringing lit candles to the auditorium, symbolising the life entrusted to the care of nurses and midwifes. The caps worn by the graduates symbolise belonging to their new profession, service to people and obligation to maintain traditions of these beautiful yet difficult professions. The oath repeated by out loud by the graduates is an introduction to the Nurse and Midwife Code of Professional Ethics of the Republic of Poland. In addition, the graduates sang the Nursing Anthem. The ceremony was conducted by Jolanta Olszewska Ph.D. from the Department of Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing who manages the nursing programme.