The Brain Bee 2018 regional preliminaries

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The Brain Bee 2018 regional preliminaries


The regional preliminaries of the world-wide neuroscience competition, the Brain Bee, took place on Saturday, January 20th at the Medical University of Gdańsk. Thirty six high school students from four voivodeships (pomorskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, zachodniopomorskie and warmińsko-mazurskie) participated in the competition. The test consisted of 60 questions. Six students qualified for the national final, which will take place on April 14th in Krakow. The winner was Weronika Piątkowska from Toruń, just before Michał Kowalski from Gdańsk and Agnieszka Dąbkowska from Elbląg. The forth place ex aequo took Julia Góral from Lębork, Edyta Jagielska from Toruń and Laura Kosel from Gdynia. It should be appreciated that the finalists, although they are still high school students, demonstrated their knowledge of neuroscience at the very academic level. During the competition were present prof. Tomasz Smiatacz M.D. Ph.D. and the local coordinator of the project Ms. Ilona Klejbor M.D. Ph.D. from the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology.

The Brain Bee is organised by the Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists and the Student Neuroscience Society Neuronus at the Institute of Zoology of Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. It motivates students to learn about the brain, captures their imaginations, and inspires them to pursue neuroscience careers in order to help treat and find cures for neurological and psychological disorders. The motto of the Brain Bee 2018 is “We Build Better Brains to Fight Brain Disorders”.