Madagascar in the view of a young nutritionist

StartUniversityNewsAcademic Year 2017/2018Madagascar in the view of a...

Madagascar in the view of a young nutritionist


Several dozen people attended the meeting with Daniel Kasprowicz on November 23rd. in the Main Library of MUG. Guests were welcome by the Director Anna Grygorowicz and the representatives of MUG authorities – Vice-Rector for Clinical Studies dr hab. Tomasz Smiatacz and prof. Andrzej Basiński, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Daniel talked about everyday life on the Red Island, his experiences, friends and what he have learned from the Malagasy people. There was also a charity auction of 10 photos by Daniel. All funds gathered from the auction, sale of Daniels book “Kilasymandry. Jak Madagaskar nauczy mnie kochać” he managed to raise over 4,000 PLN which will be donated to patients in Mampikony.