"Basics of anatomy in clinical science" - edition 2017

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"Basics of anatomy in clinical science" - edition 2017


“Basics of anatomy in clinical science” is a project initiated by the Students’ Scientific Circle (SSC) at the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology in cooperation with other the SSC operating at the Medical University of Gdańsk. The last meeting was organised together with members of the SSC at the Department of Neurosurgery and was dedicated to the basics of anatomy in neurosurgery. Students of the Faculty of Psychology also joined the meeting. The participants shared their knowledge on the subject, as well as worked on the skull and brain anatomy. The theoretical part was followed by the workshop in the dissection room. Jan Spodnik M.D. Ph.D. was a supervisor of the meeting.

The next workshop on a similar subject is scheduled for November 28th, 2017.